180 pilots -rfi


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Getting checked out in a 180 this weekend.
I last flew a taildragger 25 yrs ago; C140.
It went ok.
I think this one has a bigger engine.
We are DA 7500’
Flying off pavement.
What questions do you have?
I’m looking for tips.
Was told the spring steel gear is pretty bouncy so they have better landings with wheel landings, one main at a time.
Only if you are doing a wheel landing.
Yes Greg - I am told the flat spring gear often results in bouncier landings so they are guiding me to wheel landings.
The owner has probably 5K hours in it, so I defer to him!
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Carry a bit of power to ensure tail effectiveness? (when?)
Maybe there is a tw book I can buy.
I definitely agree go get your tailwheel feet back on grass first… just no reason not to if ya can to get the landing down again. I’m sure it’ll come right back pretty quick…
Get a checkout with a qualified instructor if you feel you need one.

There’s nothing difficult about flying a 180 in normal conditions, especially on small, hard tires.

The gear doesn’t bounce. If you drop in on the mains, the tail drops, and it bounces? It tried to fly. You had too much speed. Tail low wheel landings provide the best landing speed and control.

On rollout if you want to keep the tail up? Keep flaps out. Want to drop the tail? Retract flaps.

If the plane starts to drift on landing? Throttle is your friend. Don’t hesitate to go around.

Different pilots have different ideas about flaps. I land with full flaps every time, no matter what the wind. Slower speed, better view over the nose.
If you last flew tailwheel 25 years ago and it was in a 140, I would bet its like starting over. I don't think 180's are hard to handle, but people wreck them with regularity. Seems like there is always at least one ground looped 180 on the salvage sites.
If your vertical speed at touchdown it too great, they will bounce. I have flown with less than talented pilots that could bounce a 180 15' up off the runway. I think small hard tires make it harder to grease it, bush wheels have some squish to them. I'd be surprised if someone's insurance would cover you with less than 25 hours in a 180, off airport even less likely.
A tail low wheel landing is great, that's all I do. But, many 180 drivers CAN'T do a tail low wheel landing for anything. Learn how to 3 point it first, learn how slow it will actually fly. I too use full flaps all the time. Driving it onto the runway works in the beginning, do a wheel landing at 70 then learn how to go slower and slower. Mine will fly in ground effect, full flaps at about 35mph indicated at 5000'.

Remember, a loaded 180 has a lot of inertia, if it starts to get away from you, its probably gone.
Ever dropped a spring gear plane from a few feet up in 3-point and too slow? Did it bounce? Of course not.
This one, while old and lengthy, has a lot more character!
I also like it because it’s close to my territory (it’s outside El Paso), and has (around 21 mins in) my Comm examiner, Gene Dawson, (from many years ago).
Warning, some great old birds here, including twin radial engine taildraggers. :)
