Cherokee down in West Palm Beach


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 11, 2024
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any info on the Cherokee that ended up in the lake off North Palm Beach Airport? Its one of my local airports, but the news is not saying much other than it veered off the runway during takeoff. RIP to the two souls onboard.
Sad condolences and RIP
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I hope they find out why there was a loss of power. I fly a Warrior out of Boca and losing the engine on takeoff there leaves very few options.

Found it

Stall/spin on go-around attempt after loss of power.

I hope what they wrote actually means to say “stall/spin after loss of power during go-around.” What you quoted would be a different issue.
If you look at the airborne footage of the pond, you'll see the position/strobe light on the wing that's still attached to the fuselage is still flashing while most of that electrical system is underwater. I know that's not salt water, but still impressive.

I also wonder if there was a loss of power, or if it was perceived that way by the witnesses due to the fading in and out that would happen because of the spin. I find to hard to believe someone would attempt a return to the runway at that point. Easier to just turn right and put it on 32, or some other piece of flat land nearby.
I've flown this plane many times, and also flew with one of the victims. This is the first 'close to home' accident since I've been flying (about 4 years now).

Based on where the right wing was found in relation to the rest of the airframe, I'm fearful that this was a structural failure of the wing spar. I remember when I started flying, it was right after the wing spar AD came out and various owners and clubs were doing a lot of mental gymnastics to get around having to do the eddy current inspection because "they weren't a flight school" but it sure seemed like a lot of technicalities being drummed up with a "head in the sand" mentality.

Curious to see what the NTSB report says. :-(
Based on where the right wing was found in relation to the rest of the airframe, I'm fearful that this was a structural failure of the wing spar.
The water was deep and that wing was floating, most likely due to the buoyancy of the fuel tank. More likely scenario is that it floated away from the rest of the wreckage.
Eyewitnesses described the accident as a stall/spin on departure scenario, with no mention of a wing departing in-flight.
The water was deep and that wing was floating, most likely due to the buoyancy of the fuel tank. More likely scenario is that it floated away from the rest of the wreckage.
Eyewitnesses described the accident as a stall/spin on departure scenario, with no mention of a wing departing in-flight.

I dunno. In the footage I saw, the wing was on the edge of the pond in a vertical orientation nearly a couple hundred feet away from the airframe. The way the water was moving around it seemed to indicate it was stuck in the muck. Also, the first responders said they had to wade about 20-30 feet through muck before they were in water deep enough to swim in.

See the image below -- top circle is the wing, bottom circle is the rest of the airframe. Obviously, I could be wrong, but I've got a bad feeling about this.


The majority of accidents in which people want to jump right to the spar issue end up being run of the mill stall-spins, spatial disorientation, or overstressing in extreme maneuvering.
The majority of accidents in which people want to jump right to the spar issue end up being run of the mill stall-spins, spatial disorientation, or overstressing in extreme maneuvering.

The thing is the ADSB doesn’t show the go around, looks like it lost contact at ~500ft, so I can’t see how you can stress an aircraft at such a low altitude, not enough to get up to speed.
The thing is the ADSB doesn’t show the go around, looks like it lost contact at ~500ft, so I can’t see how you can stress an aircraft at such a low altitude, not enough to get up to speed.

Sorry, I originally replied based on a misunderstanding of your post. I tend to agree - there’s not much stress going on. It looks like an instrument approach to 9R, circle to land 27L, then in the water north of the departure end of 27L. I’d surmise a lot of things (for which we have no evidence other than the eyewitness report) before midair separation.
The thing is the ADSB doesn’t show the go around, looks like it lost contact at ~500ft, so I can’t see how you can stress an aircraft at such a low altitude, not enough to get up to speed.
If wing attachment was failing, it will, at some point, let go in level flight, will it not?
If wing attachment was failing, it will, at some point, let go in level flight, will it not?

I’ve never heard of wing structure/attachment failing in level flight, have you? Not saying it can’t happen but it would be a rare failure.
Was it a rejected landing go-around, or a bounced landing followed by go-around?
I’ve never heard of wing structure/attachment failing in level flight, have you? Not saying it can’t happen but it would be a rare failure.
I lost my best friend and plane partner to a wing attachment failing and separating in level flight on a calm clear day due to the defective design/construction of an aircraft by SeaMax. It is rare and shouldn't happen, but it can. You can look it up under N46PD, SeaMax M7 on Oct 6, 2022. Unfortunately SeaMax knew it was a defective design because the same thing had killed their head engineer in Italy a year prior but since the FAA and Italian ENAC don't share reports and SeaMax covered it up, we didn't know until too late.