Am I crazy for considering a V-Tail Bo?

What do the extended range tanks get you on the Mooney? What's your real-world range, and are those available as STC for all models?

My E only has 52 gallon tanks, no wind poh max range 950ish Statute miles. Long range tanks add >30 gallons so say another 3 hours. Realistic miles, probably 650 - 700 ish. I've pushed about 600 maybe twice.

Now that i'm IR, I plan using IR fuel reserves even when flying VFR, so 3 hour legs, 450 - 500ish nm. Longrange tanks would add another 3 hours so i'd be able to do 6 hour legs. Meaning, i could make my common houston - indianapolis, 775nm, flight nonstop with IR reserves. so say 5.5 hours,

same trip today takes approx 7 hours due to having to stop for fuel, talk, file, putz around etc...

ultimate plan is to pop over the pond, so i need the extra fuel for safety
I agree with all the posts adivising the Instrument Rating first. V Tailed Bo, Mooney K (I have a Standing O), Debonair etc all great planes.
I got an insurance quote this morning ont he TR182:

Hull Value $150k
$1MM liability/ $100k limit per passenger
$10k Med Pay per passenger


This is with my current ratings and total hours (none of which is in type and also 0 retractable). The IFR rating would only lower the premium by 5%.
Go for it. I’ve owned a V tail the last 15 years. Great plane. Fun to fly. Great performance.
A v-tail (or any Bonanza, really) would be a great airplane for your stated mission.

Get the instrument rating in the plane. It will help you with flying cross countries, and it will help you with insurance going forward.

Join ABS. Get transition training from an experienced Bonanza instructor. V-tails are a joy to fly and not difficult at all, but like with any airplane, there are a few things you need to know to be confident and safe.

The only thing I didn't see in your posts is how many people you need to carry. V-tails are fantastic for two people and some luggage. If you want to routinely carry four adults and luggage, then I'd point you at the A36 (which has a higher price tag, though).

- Martin