FAA Tells Pilots To Go Analogue As GNSS ‘Spoofing’ Incidents Increase

I actually learned how to navigate with a sextant back in the mid-60s when I was in the Civil Air Patrol. We spent a bunch of time flying around in USAF cargo planes and I would bring my sextant and they would let me navigate. Had a sailboat in the late 80s, and used it then, (mostly to show off). Alas, it hasn't been out of the case since. Maybe it's time to brush off the cobwebs.
I learned how to navigate using the hands on my watch during SERE. It's kinda the same.
And that would be a nearly impossible feat, given the US’s airtight border.

(Most of the necessary equipment can be bought inside the borders; don’t have to smuggle much.)
Do you have beachfront property in AZ for sale, too? :cool:
quick! corral those GPS signals!

(sorry, couldn't resist)
Looks like a little bit at Sioux Falls in last 24 hours.
IFR enroute GPS since 2006 and WAAS capable since 2014. Never had an issue. Doesn't mean it won't happen, but so far so good. Figure about 4000 hours almost exclusively navigating via GPS.