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      Many to most installations do not have a “for take-off only” limitation. A few do of course. On the balance I thought this thread was...
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      Some aircraft have published limitations for full power. Many (including my Bonanza) don't. John Deakin's advice (see @Racerx 's post...
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      Why not as part of the level off/cruise checklist? Is there an implication that full power is more likely to cause a failure, or that...
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      Steamflyer replied to the thread FFS. I need a new hobby..
      Last bike was a Triumph Tiger (994 version). Complete beast, handled well for a bagger, and had zero reliability issues. Commuted 40-60...
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      Always need to differentiate between mandated by POH due to limitions or an STC, and allowed by POH for fuel savings, noise abattement...
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      Suspect the noise is not perceived, it's heard. Transonic tips on big bore 2700 and 2800 rpm redline engines make a lot of noise. These...
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      Think poster said "I was taught..." - i.e. some sort of handed down from CFI-to-CFI or pilot-to-pilot procedure. And since 400' is...
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      If the POH does not mandate a power reduction, I have found that climbing at full power, while reducing fuel flow appropriately as...
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      Steamflyer replied to the thread C182 TKS.
      No FIKI available for 182s. Just inadvertent icing or whatever the alternative is called. Spots can/may be fixed by running the system...
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      Steamflyer replied to the thread C182 TKS.
      Never knew they did thermawing for 182. 7 years experience with TKS and 182. Works as advertised. Exercise monthly. In summer may need...
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      Steamflyer replied to the thread Boom..
      But what a ride. Afterburners on take off alone were worth the flight.
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      All of them. Except some early post-war pedals which were cast aluminum, not stamped.
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      Steamflyer replied to the thread Cirrus success.
      Cirrus won because they attacked three things: they made a very efficient cross-country cruiser for people who need or want to go...
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      Steamflyer reacted to bnt83's post in the thread Hose Shop Recommendation (certified) with Like Like.
      I've used these a bunch over the years. https://www.aircrafthose.com/
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      Steamflyer replied to the thread Rampfee.me closed.
      Calling seems the most reliable. You can ask about ramp fees, hangar fees, local fees, landing fees, etc. I just say "hey, bringing my...
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