Whiskey compass don't like G's

I'll do it myself, under supervision, so only cost is parts.
Yah, but it would have to be some one from an instrument shop with a repair station with a specific rating if they are allowed to do supervision. It is a flight instrument, I know, I know i'v done some my self before looking at the letter of the law.
Note that resealing a Compass is not a task for an A & P or most

Repair Stations. It requires an INSTRUMENT Repair Station to do the job.

There have been Techs that did this and were dumb enough to log it!
yep you are right, i believe for years its been some what a grey area. probably been several owner do it your selfers as well. not condoning either one.
TLDR: part 23 also matters for certified aircraft. For a while, part 23 said "magnetic compass". After 2012 it was changed to match part 91. That is relevant because in many cases the TC specifications will say "magnetic compass" or similar. The required equipment list in my AFM says "Airpath Compass".
The equipment list in my POH lists two magnetometers and no compass. At least one magnetometer must be operable for flight. That being said, in general a compass is not a requirement for all GA airplanes. In specific cases (e.g. based on cert basis or TC) it may be, just as a particular engine or prop or tire size or brand of compass may be, but we are not all bound by a single basis or TC. I am pleased to see the FAA leaping headlong into the late 20th century and I'm sorry cases like yours continue to cause issues.

with stone knives and bearskins
Feds often cannot prove that certain events have taken place.

But if an improper action is actually logged and signed it’s rather easy

file for a violation. Signing for something you do not have the credentials

for is extremely dumb.

Some folks are not aware of who may do some of the investigation

for FAA. Well; it is a Federal entity so it’s possible the org that does

investigation for the Federal orgs may assist.

It is the Federal Bureau of Investigation, aka FBI.

One guy flew an aircraft out of Annual but denied it when confronted by

FAA. The FBI obtained his motel receipts from the other city to use

at the hearing. If you decide to challenge them you are taking on the

resources on the U S government.
I was referring to the "only having to keep maint records 12 months" part.

That’s the point. You don’t have to keep a record of refilling the compass beyond 12 months, so how will that buyer know you did it yourself, or even that it was done at all? Keep any other records as long as you like.
Magnetic Compass Repair Stations can be quite small.

A local one was located on a Card Table.

It easily held all Work Orders, Tech Data , Parts , Fluid and Tools.