Mexican notamed airspace


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Curious why Mexico would have so much (irregularly shaped, some to FL600, some with many months duration) restricted airspace like this.
Do they have an active airforce? High altitude drones? Spaceships? Drug war activity? Doesn’t resemble VIP tfrs)

Hate to say it, but likely they have to make themselves feel important.
Cartels need protection from prying eyes.
Curious why Mexico would have so much (irregularly shaped, some to FL600, some with many months duration) restricted airspace like this.
Do they have an active airforce? High altitude drones? Spaceships? Drug war activity? Doesn’t resemble VIP tfrs)
If you look at the charts, you'll see that they are long lived enough to be charted, though looking at old charts, many have changed shape over the years while keeping the same names. Most are basically like MOAs in the US. And, yes, they are a country of 130M people. Of course they have an air force.
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If you look at the charts, you'll see that they are long lived enough to be charted, though looking at old charts, many have changed shape over the years while keeping the same names. Most are basically like MOAs in the US. And, yes, they are a country of 130M people. Of course they have an air force.
According to Wikipedia they operate F-5's as interceptors! Who knew!
"Due to high operating costs, lack of parts, and the extreme age of the aircraft, the Mexican Air Force retired all but three F-5s in late 2017."
According to Wikipedia they operate F-5's as interceptors! Who knew!
I haven't seen those, but we have a Navy base near us in Huatulco, so I saw some of the Navy Zlin's there on a training mission once. I don't think they can go supersonic though...


Joking aside, the current mission does have a cartel element to it, so fighters aren't useful. They have leaned more heavily on helicopters and drones over the past decade or so. We have a drone base at my airport in Celaya, but for some reason I don't have any still photos. I think it's 7-10 planes now flying what I'm told is a mix of drug interdiction and pipeline patrols.
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