What is Going on at KBJC (Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport)/Cost to Relocate Port a Port Hangar

Update on the situation at KBJC: Our last airport manager suddenly resigned back in November due to "personnel matters". You can read more about it here where the head of our local airport association, Jeffco Aviation Association, was interviewed. We are all very relieved that he left as he definitely did not have GA in mind at all.

We have a meeting on February 26th where the airport director recruitment team is going to gauge our opinions on what we would like to see in an airport manager. I am cautiously optimistic about the future but only time will tell if we get a manager that is finally looking out for us. More to come!
Being an active GA pilot for at least 10 years should be the first prerequisite for being an airport manager. Basing at the field he manages and flying at least 40 flights per year from that field should be a condition for continued employment.
A new update in the craziness going on here in western Denver. The citizens who live in nearby Boulder, Colorado and Superior, Colorado (you know, the people who have mostly built their house/moved into their house years AFTER the airport was built), have filed a lawsuit against Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport and Jefferson County over noise and pollution from lead in piston aircrafts. You can read more about it in the link below:

Essentially, they want to have all touch and go operations ceased at the airport. Aren't touch and go operations technically under the rule of the FAA, not the owner of the airport since anything involving anything a foot or higher is FAA jurisdiction? I feel like this should (hopefully) fall flat in court
A new update in the craziness going on here in western Denver. The citizens who live in nearby Boulder, Colorado and Superior, Colorado (you know, the people who have mostly built their house/moved into their house years AFTER the airport was built), have filed a lawsuit against Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport and Jefferson County over noise and pollution from lead in piston aircrafts. You can read more about it in the link below:

Essentially, they want to have all touch and go operations ceased at the airport. Aren't touch and go operations technically under the rule of the FAA, not the owner of the airport since anything involving anything a foot or higher is FAA jurisdiction? I feel like this should (hopefully) fall flat in court
We know

I just found this group. Interesting thread about Jeffco.
Is there a hangar association at RMMA?
If so how do you contact them?
We know

Irrelevant as of this week.

"The FAA reauthorization bill (funding the FAA for 5 years) will be signed by Biden this week. It is said to be
quite GA friendly. Among other things it prevents airports from restricting sale of 100LL before 2030 or when
an approved unleaded replacement compatible with “nearly all piston-engine aircraft and engine models” is
for sale on the airport. Hopefully this will stop communities from following the Reid-Hillview pattern of just
banning 100LL without regard to the consequences."

In Colorado, CPA, CABA and other aviation groups hired a lobbyist to work with the complaining parties in the legislature. The 2 new members of the Colorado Aviation Board (as per the Colorado legislature) are going to be very surprised when they discover CAB gives away money and that's about it. CAB doesn't have any authority or responsibility to deal with noise complaints or anything else the communities have been b*tching about.

Be careful what you wish for....(*evil laugh*)
Every now and then, craziness hits the aviation world. And today was apparently no exception! I feel bad for these aircraft owners though

"The driver was taken to a hospital for a medical condition after the crash Monday morning at Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport"