Trent Palmer (YouTuber Bush Pilot Channel) Suspended By FAA

Just FYI I have a couple thousand hours legally flying very low to the ground spraying fields and we always dispatched to the job with satellite imagery of the fields. They don’t eliminate the need for the higher altitude assessments.

I was goofing around yesterday over some remote swampy areas of Florida. Periodically I would drop down to 50-100 feet to take a look at something interesting. I always overflew the area at 500 feet first. Wherever there are humans, no matter how sparse, there are power lines and cell towers.
Disclaimer: the following ignores any poor choices by Trent, and is more of a general statement about whiny people…

Unfortunately in the modern era, too many people in high places are unwilling to sack up and tell people “no.” Unfortunately this trickles down through organizations, where line-level folks who ARE willing to say no get thrown under the bus when the now-dissatisfied Karen “demands a manager.” Word quickly gets out that you either appease these fine specimens of humanity, or get hammered by the admin.

I’m to the point in my career where I am (a) in a supervisory capacity and (b) truly don’t care whether someone wants to complain just because they didn’t get their way, but I have that luxury because I’m so close to moving on to career #2. Unfortunately, those on the other end of the career calendar aren’t so fortunate, especially at other area employers in a similar field.

Thus, these worthless pieces of people continue to be empowered. Without going full spin-zone, allowing a vocal minority to continue to trample everyone else’s rights, choices and ability to enjoy themselves is ruining this country. The people at the top of organizations need to sack up and start saying “no” to NIMBYs, Karens, and the like.

It’s just a spectrum, scale, continuum, whatever you want to call it. Many of us in the US are well fed or overly so, healthy or managed/diagnosed/treated, air conditioned, cozy, and relatively wealthy. Most of us are all soft and safe (and whiney as you say) when compared to the rest of the earth’s population. I would say complacent. But almost everyone still wants “theirs” and that has not changed at all from the survival days. Humans will human.
It’s just a spectrum, scale, continuum, whatever you want to call it. Many of us in the US are well fed or overly so, healthy or managed/diagnosed/treated, air conditioned, cozy, and relatively wealthy. Most of us are all soft and safe (and whiney as you say) when compared to the rest of the earth’s population. I would say complacent. But almost everyone still wants “theirs” and that has not changed at all from the survival days. Humans will human.

In the survival times humans will animal.
The people at the top of organizations need to sack up and start saying “no” to NIMBYs, Karens, and the like.
So where's the line? Kids doing donuts at an intersection at two in the morning, are you going to complain? Does that make you a whiny, NIMBY, Karen?
So where's the line? Kids doing donuts at an intersection at two in the morning, are you going to complain? Does that make you a whiny, NIMBY, Karen?
Cute. I would imagine that such conduct would result in most or all of the surrounding neighbors calling in to report the issue, and rightfully so, unless it’s in a remote area not affecting anyone, then no.

What I’m referring to are things like:

-people moving next door to something preexisting (airport, race track, RC flying field, sports facilities), then trying to shut it down.

-one household moving into a rural area where things like shooting (safely), ORV use on private property, etc have occurred for years and trying to use government intervention to shut these things down after moving in, destroying a way of life among the other neighbors.

-One person/household calling to report something they find bothersome when numerous other neighbors with similar exposure don’t mind or report the issue.

-virtually all attempts to “cancel” something a small but connected group find offensive, bothersome, or inconvenient.
