N/A Tipping

I am available to receive tips right now, Venmo, Paypal, mailed checks, cash, wire transfer, gold coins.
Let me know, I'll help you set it up.
Ok. What extra ordinary service have you performed? How have you gone above and beyond to serve me?
Here’s a tip fer ya, pal. Go to Santa Anita, bet on Pork Chops to place in the third. I won’t steer ya wrong!
don't forget to drink your Ovaltine?
Only tip when somebody goes well above and beyond what they were expected to do. When only doing their job as expected, then no tip. Our letter carrier goes well above and beyond for our elderly neighbor. She will also do extra for us, even when not asked. for example, when something was delivered and she knew we were not home, and probably wouldn't be for a several days. She left us a note and didn't deliver. Porch pirates are common in our area. I am happy to make Christmas better for her. The trash collector that leaves trash all over instead of makoing sure it gets in the truck, doesn't get anything. TIPS are for services well and beyond what is normally expected of you in your job.
Ok. What extra ordinary service have you performed? How have you gone above and beyond to serve me?
Why, my mere presence, of course.
Probably should skip the tipping silliness, and simply arrange a per-head daily fee.
We used to have a bowrider boat in a dry storage facility. Every two or three trips to the lake I’d bring a 12pack or case of beer for the fork drivers and dock hands. I’d smile, thank them for their work, and say hey have a cold one at the end of the shift.

My boat was always treated with kid gloves.
I tip only at restaurants that have sit down seating. Nowhere else. That said, part of the advice that my wife will give friends of ours when they go to Egypt in March (we were there earlier this year) is to carry a bunch (seriously, $150 or more) of $1 bills as tipping is a big thing there and they will need it.
I’d tip our mail carrier if they did a decent job. They don’t.

The garbage and recycle collection people just drive by in their automated trucks and let the truck do the work.
Oh don't even get me started. The fast food burger place that I like so much has a tip option when you pay by card.

A tip option, as in 'no tip.' And the guy at the register will inform you that there will be a question regarding tips when you pay. Sorry, I don't tip at fast food restaurants. I said no. I think they deliberately f**d up my order in response.

What the h*ll man, by Herr Newsome's mandate, all fast food workers earn a minimum of $20 an hour now. Annualized, that's more than I earned when I LEFT my first job as an engineer.

I f****g hate tipping. Charge me the price. If I don't like it I'll go someplace else. If I do like it, or am willing to accept it fine, but don't shame me. That s***t is weak.
And after I have a few drinks, I'll tell you how I really feel....

If it makes you feel better, we only tip at full service restaurants. Bartenders get $1/drink for mixed drinks. Pouring draft…$1 for the order.
If it makes you feel better, we only tip at full service restaurants. Bartenders get $1/drink for mixed drinks. Pouring draft…$1 for the order.
Same here.