Pipistrel Alpha downsides?

Samuel Seidel

Pre-takeoff checklist
Apr 16, 2020
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I think that’s a great deal.
If it fits your mission, go for it. Those are very reliable planes.
Nice plane, I would prefer their Virus with 100 HP Rotax but for this price that’s a pretty good deal.
yeah, I want the motor-glider.
Nice plane, I would prefer their Virus with 100 HP Rotax but for this price that’s a pretty good deal.
There is one sitting in Poland right now for $35k
I don’t even have my ticket yet and
I’M tempted to buy it. Go get some!
The Rotax is a great engine and the 80hpmodel is the pick of the bunch.

There must be more to it about why the flight schools moving them on because they are not difficult to maintain. In fact they are easier than conti/lycoming as nothing really goes wrong with the engine itself.
The Rotax is a great engine and the 80hpmodel is the pick of the bunch.

There must be more to it about why the flight schools moving them on because they are not difficult to maintain. In fact they are easier than conti/lycoming as nothing really goes wrong with the engine itself.

Definitely a little weird at the price they are selling it at. The reason they gave me was they sell and buy new planes at 1200-1300 hours.

I’m about to commit to buy and planning to fly it from Sacramento to Atlanta this weekend and into next week.

I spoke with a 3rd party mechanic who worked on the plane a few weeks ago and who usually does the annual and 100 hours. He gave me the information I needed to make a purchase on this airplane. Says the owners go above and beyond in maintenance. And they do what he recommends, even optional stuff. Gave examples, which correspond with the logbook I have pictures of. He did say would consider himself a friend of the owner but would like to think he would never use that to influence the information he was giving me.
He doesn’t have availability for two weeks but was saying he would be willing to look over it again, but based off everything he said, unless something crazy happened between the three weeks he last looked at it, everything should check out.

Guess I’m trying to justify buying the airplane without a prebuy inspection.

I do plan, before handing over the final check, on pulling all the inspection panels and checking everything over with my A/P who is going to fly it back with me. He is only familiar with Cessnas so I am really going on the word of the other mechanic.
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Trust but verify,then enjoy the plane.
Mesa Airlines just placed an order for up to 100 of them for their new Pilot Development Program.
I've owned one for a couple of years now. they are reliable, easy to maintain, docile, very maneuverable. Recently took it down the Hudson River Corridor, amazing visibility. the down side is getting Pipistrel specific parts.
Mesa Airlines just placed an order for up to 100 of them for their new Pilot Development Program.

Flew to Inverness, FL and the flight school told me they are starting up that Mesa program by the end of this month. They're starting with 4, but getting almost 30 planes!
Flew to Inverness, FL and the flight school told me they are starting up that Mesa program by the end of this month. They're starting with 4, but getting almost 30 planes!
I'm hoping that will help with the parts issues here in the states. it's very painful trying ti get parts; waiting 7 weeks for brakes and have been waiting 10 weeks for a new trim (haven't sent any shipping info yet).
I bought it and flew it home. Mine has a three bladed prop and I'm only getting 80-85 indicated. Not sure if that has to do with prop. Also missing the speed tape on most seams but I doubt that makes for 15-20 knots difference from videos I've seen cruising at 100 knots at 5300 rpm.

Also mine has a right turning tendency so im constantly adding left rudder mainly in cruise and descent. Its most noticeable in power off descent. Sitting on the ground the rudder is 1 degree to the right when the nose wheel is lifted and me and my mechanic couldn’t find any adjustment in the maintenance manual. Rudder cables were replaced prior to sale.

Other than that the plane flies great.
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Every light sport I’ve ever flown has needed left rudder in a descent.
Hi all! I am new in this group. I founded this tread and i am curious about the speed of your pipistrel alpha (samuel) .I own a pipistrel alpha and the cruising speed is 110 kts , (5200 rpm) with FP02 propeller. Samuel , do you still have your alpha trainer and what's your cruising speed ? (excuse my english)
I will try to trim it out and see what it does. I have seen 110 kts without really trimming it perfectly. I spend more time training at 37 knots then going places.
Hi all! I am new in this group. I founded this tread and i am curious about the speed of your pipistrel alpha (samuel) .I own a pipistrel alpha and the cruising speed is 110 kts , (5200 rpm) with FP02 propeller. Samuel , do you still have your alpha trainer and what's your cruising speed ? (excuse my english)
H50F 1,65 R-SSI-15-3 / NC propeller
90 (IAS) knots at 5500 rpm.
95-100 knots true at 5,000 feet.

Want to trade? :p
Seriously only 90 kts at 5500 rpm?? I fly N520AT and I can easily get to 110 knots at 5000 rpm. We must have significantly different props. I can also climb at 1000+ fpm, full fuel and me and my cfi.
Seriously only 90 kts at 5500 rpm?? I fly N520AT and I can easily get to 110 knots at 5000 rpm. We must have significantly different props. I can also climb at 1000+ fpm, full fuel and me and my cfi.
I've enjoyed tracking you guys fly 520AT out of Brainard, on FlightAware ... considering training with them since I'm having issues with my medical. You like the school? I'm in Trumbull so it's a bit of a hike, but our only option for LSA/SP as you know
I've enjoyed tracking you guys fly 520AT out of Brainard, on FlightAware ... considering training with them since I'm having issues with my medical. You like the school? I'm in Trumbull so it's a bit of a hike, but our only option for LSA/SP as you know
You can do SP at SNC, they have a J-3.
I've enjoyed tracking you guys fly 520AT out of Brainard, on FlightAware ... considering training with them since I'm having issues with my medical. You like the school? I'm in Trumbull so it's a bit of a hike, but our only option for LSA/SP as you know
Yes I very much like the school. My training first started at a CTAF airport. Switching to a towered airport has really given me confidence on the radio. My instructor is Chris O. He is great. N520AT was down for a few weeks due to a sensor problem. The oil pressure/temp went wacky when I was flying it. They took the panel out and sent it for repairs. It is back in the air so I will start flying again. KHFD can get a bit busy but I think it's a good thing. You will need situational awareness with 5 in the pattern at times.

My pirep on N520AT... Honest opinion. It is the hardest plane I have flown. It is unforgiving with sloppy airspeeds. The Piper and Cessnas I've flown prior to N520AT practically land themselves compared to N520AT. You need to be very light on the controls. But when you get it right it rewards you with a beautiful, precise, nimble little plane. It will out climb anything I've ever flown. It is modern plane and not a 40+ year old rattle box. LMK if you ever want to meet at the airport. Chris and I can show you the plane.

Blue skies
LMK if you ever want to meet at the airport. Chris and I can show you the plane.
Ahhh thanks Tony. I wish I had seen this earlier; appreciate the offer! I was in the area last Saturday and drove by the airport, hoping to catch a glimpse. I may do an intro ride with them soon, just to get a feel for it & glad to hear it's back up and running well. I have only heard good things about the school, and of course the plane! Thanks again -Pete
N520AT is in a hangar so you won't see it outside on the line. Ask for Chris O. for your intro flight. He is a great CFI.
Petrus, I fly N520AT at HFD and live in Fairfield. Ultimately looking to buy an LSA with one or more partners to keep closer to home- ideally BDR. Might you be interested? If so pls text me at 203 274 1985.
Petrus, I fly N520AT at HFD and live in Fairfield. Ultimately looking to buy an LSA with one or more partners to keep closer to home- ideally BDR. Might you be interested? If so pls text me at 203 274 1985.
How about keeping it at KMMK?