tsts4's latest activity

  • tsts4
    tsts4 reacted to Matthew's post in the thread IMC definition for approach logging with Like Like.
    That is one nice thing about the sim. You can pull up about any sort of approach there is. I did that a week or so ago, I “flew” a...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread IMC definition for approach logging with Like Like.
    The only real downside to self-directed ATD sessions (or for that matter a more sophisticated home setup) is the lack of realistic ATC...
  • tsts4
    I think the issue is most kits are built around specific engines, the kit manufacturers develop FWF packages for them and many of the...
  • tsts4
    I know, but in my experience that's not a panacea for me. I prefer not to bother anymore. I just file what I want and fly what I...
  • tsts4
    This is what I do unless I flown a given route often enough to know what they are going to give me.
  • tsts4
    tsts4 reacted to flyingron's post in the thread IFR time with Like Like.
    There is no such time category in 61.51. NOR is it a required aeronautical experience category for any rating or currency. It's...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread IFR time.
    This. As far as I know iFR time doesn’t count for anything unless is actual or simulated IMC. I mean who gives a crap how much IFR time...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 reacted to dbahn's post in the thread Done . . . with Like Like.
    We all face it sometime, but my own time has come to be permanently self-grounded. With no warning, I had three small focal-aware...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Monday only - worth it?.
    First and foremost we go to meet up and hang (that’s code for party) with friends from all across the country that we only see at Osh...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Osh 2024 NOTAM is out.
    I come in IFR so I avoid all of the VFR shenanigans from the get go.
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Osh 2024 NOTAM is out.
    Friday, July 19 11 a.m. - Cherokees to Oshkosh 5 p.m. - Cessnas to Oshkosh Saturday, July 20 10 a.m. - Mooney Caravan (Registration...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Osh 2024 NOTAM is out.
    My advice is if they are holding, go land somewhere and wait it out. An Osh arrival hold is a total Charlie Foxtrot.
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Which Engine Oil Analysis?.
    I use Blackstone. No particular reason.
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Monday only - worth it?.
    It’s busy in the best of circumstances. If there’s weather on Saturday or Sunday morning it can turn into the zoo at feeding time...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread LNAV vs LP approaches?.
    I think that's sound advice for any of the +V approaches where the box generates an advisory GP. Caution also applies to MDAs and...