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      TaylorSX16 replied to the thread PoA newbie help.
      Thats from what I hear, unless its very little to no difference. I don't have any time on turbos and I hear its a maintenance nightmare...
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      TaylorSX16 replied to the thread PoA newbie help.
      yeah the ones we are looking at are non-turbo so that'll help cost i hope
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      TaylorSX16 replied to the thread PoA newbie help.
      Thank you all for the replies so far! I have found two so far on the market ranging from 160-190k, both low time on engines and...
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      TaylorSX16 posted the thread PoA newbie help in Hangar Talk.
      Pilots of America, I bid you all greetings from Pittsburgh PA! I'm new here, I have my Commercial with instrument multi, complex and...
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