RussR's latest activity

  • RussR
    RussR replied to the thread 6 month currency.
    What reg are you and your CFI reading? It’s pretty clear in 61.57c(2). This isn’t hidden somewhere, it’s right in the paragraph you...
  • RussR
    RussR reacted to Lindberg's post in the thread Full Time Safety Pilot Arrangements with Like Like.
    You probably also need to find someone who's at a point in his career where he doesn't care about hours. Because he's going to be...
  • RussR
    You keep using the word "full time". Is that really what you mean? Because to me, that means you are paying that person an annual salary...
  • RussR
    Is he actually interfering with aircraft operations? That fact that you don't mention that gives me the impression that no, he's not...
  • RussR
    RussR replied to the thread ForeFlight reported turbulence.
    I hope so. That would only make sense. But at least with a Sentry it's usually mounted in one position and left there for the flight...
  • RussR
    RussR replied to the thread ForeFlight reported turbulence.
    It uses the data from the accelerometers in Sentry and Sentry+ receivers, which is why it's a free layer for people with those devices...
  • RussR
    RussR replied to the thread ForeFlight reported turbulence.
    I'm not sure why you think airplanes that fly above 7000 wouldn't have or need a Sentry. I also don't see the connection with...
  • RussR
    RussR replied to the thread ER visit for cut to head.
    I have a couple of these types of entries on my medical forms, which having a Class I, I fill out every six months. "Head laceration"...
  • RussR
    RussR reacted to jedi93's post in the thread 100% T&P va rating and a 1st class medical with Like Like.
    You’re pretty spot on. Three conditions of 50% 30% 20% does not total 100% it adds up to 72% or rounded down to 70%. Anything above 5%...
  • RussR
    RussR reacted to jedi93's post in the thread 100% T&P va rating and a 1st class medical with Like Like.
    This is the best explanation I’ve saw of the system.
  • RussR
    At some point you qualify for social security disability, but I don't know enough about that to discuss. I do agree that the scoring...
  • RussR
    The unfortunate thing is that when they developed the VA disability program, they called the levels "percent". They could have called it...
  • RussR
    RussR replied to the thread DPE PPL price.
    There already is - it would just be a discontinuance (albeit a planned one), so 60 days, same as if the airplane breaks or weather moves in.
  • RussR
    RussR replied to the thread DPE PPL price.
    I do think $350 was abnormally high for a checkride in 1992, or you lived in a very expensive area. I don't have my receipt from my...
  • RussR
    I am 100% in agreement with Ed here. The lengths to which we torture ourselves in these discussions is amazing. Guess what? A WHOLE LOT...