flyingron's latest activity

  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Forgetting to switch tanks.
    My MVP 50 is currently set to flash the yellow light when it gets below 3 gallons. It's freaking annoying, I'm going to get rid of it...
  • flyingron
  • flyingron
    Posters are reminded that the use of anonymous accounts here is only permitted for the person asking questions. Anonymous responses...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Therma Pen.
    Depends on what texture you're shooting for. This year I pulled the pig off a little cooler (right when it hit 190) and chopped it...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Therma Pen.
    Thermopen sent me a refrigerator magnet with all the various temperatures. I use mine for everything. People ask why my chicken isn't...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Rental Pilots work on planes.
    Anybody can make an aircraft unairworthy.
  • flyingron
    Or push that red lever all the way down, or turn the key all the way to the left. Unless there's some slope there, she's not going...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Therma Pen.
    I have been using ThermaPens and now the ThermaPen Pro for years now. Their service is customer exemplary. When one of my ancient...
  • flyingron
    Your better shipping stores will crate things and call the freight company for you. I've shipped a big box of engine parts (a mount...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Day trips after arrival.
    The attach to vehicle thing only really is designed to get your car in and out of Scholler if you're camped there. It means absolutely...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Forgetting to switch tanks.
    That doesn't tell you that you weren't sucking unusuable fuel. When I calibrated my fuel gauges worked my way from full tanks down to...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Forgetting to switch tanks.
    You can't switch tanks in a 150. The thing only has an on-off fuel selector (like the Navion :)). My aux tanks don't have any...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Day trips after arrival.
    In Vintage, we just grab a sheet of paper and a big marker and write down the row number our space is in and hold it up to folk on...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Forgetting to switch tanks.
    Deakin over on Avweb recommends that you do run the tanks dry so you know how much is in them. He says that restarting in such a...
  • flyingron
    flyingron replied to the thread Day trips after arrival.
    I've flown demo rides during the show and before they put the nicer shower trailers in, we would fly out to one of the nearby fields...