Recent content by BillTIZ

  1. BillTIZ

    Glider add on, I believe it is the EVO model.
  2. BillTIZ

    Mental Health advice

    We are dealing with an individual with similar issues... I'm not a pysch, but it is referred to as adult ADHD. No focus on study or completing required instructor provided tests, "pre solo", aircraft specific POH Study, etc. Individual has admitted he has problems, but just wants to fly. When...
  3. BillTIZ

    Practicing stopped prop

    If you ever plan to intentionally "stop the prop" always be in a position to complete the dead stick landing on an airport runway.
  4. BillTIZ

    Glider add on

    That is a beautiful winch... I met with them during the SSA Convention in Reno a couple of years back.
  5. BillTIZ

    FAA Medical after ER visit due to Syncope

    Paging Dr Chien...
  6. BillTIZ

    This one is VERY hard to listen to...I'm guessing another "cognitive decline"...

    Yes Doc, he sounds like an aging pilot and he just sealed his fate. Thankfully this may have been caught in time before he hurt others. I have had to council pilots to reevaluate their flying based on observations and incidents. Thankfully they chose the decision to ground themselves, or only...
  7. BillTIZ

    Renting out my home flight simulator.

  8. BillTIZ

    What and who can be covered as "additional insured" on aircraft policy?

    If you or someone you approved is flying/moving your aircraft and causes damage, the injured party can sue you. They will also sue the airport owner/manager because they allowed you to operate on "their" airport. So now the "owner/manager" is insured against this under your policy for damages...
  9. BillTIZ

    Glider add on

    There are Soaring Businesses that provide the training in about 1 week, with an examiner on staff. You learn the requirements for the check ride. You have not learned the art. That can take a couple of seasons. If a club is close and efficient, you could complete the add-on in one season...
  10. BillTIZ

    172/Cherokee gotchas

    Ok, Capt Obvious here. PA-28s, and most low wing single engines, single door, which means she gets in after you do, on her own. In the event of an emergency landing, she is blocking the exit. Cessna, two doors, but normally one must climb up into the seat. But you can be available outside to...
  11. BillTIZ

    Wings Program Test Question

    Wings keeps track of your courses, but drops them after 12 months. Take 3 courses in three different areas, take three flights following the recommended Flight Activities, get the instructor to enter those flights in Wings. FAA then issues you a new Flight Review good for the next 24 months.
  12. BillTIZ

    Flight Review Required for Additional Category? Has this ever been fixed.

    I've had pilots with an expired flight review in Airplanes, add the Light Sport Glider. There is no solo time required for Light Sport, but receiving the rating resets the Flight Review timer, they gain the "solo PIC" time needed for a standard Private or Commercial Glider rating and press on.
  13. BillTIZ

    Reduced ATC hours of operation for KFUL.

    I hate that term "uncontrolled", it is a "non-towered airport" and pilots are expected to follow the rules or "guidance" of the AIM and associated Advisory Circulars for operations at "Non-Towered Airports" and maintain their own self separation and traffic flow.
  14. BillTIZ

    DPE PPL price

    I think people may have forgotten what it takes to be DPE certified, besides the experience and hours needed to qualify. At least a few years ago, the DPE candidate places himself on a "waiting list" of sorts with the local FSDO. When the FSDO deems there is a need for another DPE, they call up...
  15. BillTIZ

    Transponder problem

    Is your ADSB Out through the transponder on 1090MHz? Or are you using a UAT ADSB Out on 978MHz? Although ADSB is required in many areas, a lot of ATC are not using or displaying ADSB. I've asked a few towers about the ADSB and they say they are not using it.