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    • GaryP1007
      GaryP1007 reacted to Clip4's post in the thread Cessna P210 with Like Like.
      The biggest problem? Parts.
    • GaryP1007
      GaryP1007 posted the thread Cessna P210 in Hangar Talk.
      Pirep please. Real world performance #'s welcome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • GaryP1007
      GaryP1007 replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
      I'm amazed this thread didn't go sideways and become political. It's refreshing. Thanks for staying on topic and allowing various...
    • GaryP1007
      GaryP1007 replied to the thread Garmin DB Manager.
      Ended up being because I changed from North America to US only and I needed to change that on DB manager. Sent from my iPhone using...
    • GaryP1007
      I can't get my Garmin app to update to the next cycle. I purchased a subscription last month so I know it's not that. Any thoughts...
    • GaryP1007
      GaryP1007 reacted to flyingcheesehead's post in the thread Multi Training with Like Like.
      As with nearly every question in aviation, the answer is "it depends." How much total time (and higher performance, retract, etc time)...
    • GaryP1007
      GaryP1007 posted the thread Multi Training in Pilot Training.
      This question is for those that have their Multi rating. How much multi training do you think someone should have prior to taking...
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