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    • EricBe
      EricBe replied to the thread The MyFlightBook thread.
      It's a great feature, but it's a feature of the pilot not of MyFlightbook. :) I do send out reminders one year minus 3 days of your...
    • EricBe
      EricBe reacted to Lindberg's post in the thread The MyFlightBook thread with Like Like.
      I had a bad news/good news experience with MFB recently: I went out of town for a checkride, and I left my old paper logbook in the safe...
    • EricBe
      EricBe reacted to Revtach's post in the thread The MyFlightBook thread with Like Like.
      I'm about to switch over to myflightbook. This thread is awesome and so is myflightbook!
    • EricBe
      EricBe replied to the thread The MyFlightBook thread.
      Hi, Russ. No, I don't have the notion of private-to-you airports. I actually don't want to have such a feature, for the exact same...
    • EricBe
      I paraphrased; the FAA's definition requires the *aircraft* move. Here's the full text (reference here, emphasis mine): Flight time...
    • EricBe
      Yep, AKA "block time." As a practical matter, engine time (or hobbs time) are generally a close approximation, but technically not what...
    • EricBe
      EricBe replied to the thread The MyFlightBook thread.
      There are several. If you're using the mobile apps, there's a pack-and-go feature that lets you view your data while offline, but I...
    • EricBe
      EricBe replied to the thread The MyFlightBook thread.
      Great question with a simple answer: not much. I have backup folks who can take over if something happens. It's tied to a bank account...
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