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    • EricBe
      EricBe reacted to RussR's post in the thread Is the navigator cert still possible? with Like Like.
      Good find. @EricBe, clearly we need a new ratings progress category for myflightbook! :D
    • EricBe
      EricBe reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread Pilot's log archiving with Like Like.
      I was looking around for a host for my MS-Access database because every update to Access broke something. Yours was the second I tried...
    • EricBe
      EricBe replied to the thread Pilot's log archiving.
      I'm still not entirely sure how that happened - I think at some point I deleted and re-created my own account, but you were on when I...
    • EricBe
      EricBe reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread Pilot's log archiving with Like Like.
      I stopped using my paper logbook for flights which did not require a third-party signature in 2013. I kept it for signatures until 2016...
    • EricBe
      EricBe replied to the thread The MyFlightBook thread.
      Yeah, should be fairly easy to address. I'll track at
    • EricBe
      EricBe replied to the thread The MyFlightBook thread.
      It's a great feature, but it's a feature of the pilot not of MyFlightbook. :) I do send out reminders one year minus 3 days of your...
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