Ronda Rousey got knocked out!

I have never understood the interest that people have in watching one person beat up another, let alone what makes the fighters want to do it. While some people hold these cretins in high esteem, I think they are among the more disgusting elements of humanity.
I have never understood the interest that people have in watching one person beat up another, let alone what makes the fighters want to do it. While some people hold these cretins in high esteem, I think they are among the more disgusting elements of humanity.

I agree.
I have never understood the interest that people have in watching one person beat up another, let alone what makes the fighters want to do it. While some people hold these cretins in high esteem, I think they are among the more disgusting elements of humanity.

I disagree. Unbelievably entertaining.
It's one of human's basic instincts... Fight or Flight.

Some want to fight, while some want to take flight. That's why we become pilots...

But, then again... Some people want to be fighter pilots.

Just sayin...
I can't believe how out of gas she looked after the half way point of round 1. I'm glad I'm not a gambler because I would have bet on her LOL.
She looked incredibly sloppy in that fight while Holly look really sharp. I love me some UFC
I have never understood the interest that people have in watching one person beat up another, let alone what makes the fighters want to do it. While some people hold these cretins in high esteem, I think they are among the more disgusting elements of humanity.

Being someone that has been into Martial Arts my entire life, I can appreciate the talents of many of these fighters. Ronda Rousey was one of the best at Judo and competed in the Olympics. Unfortunately being in the Olympics doesn't pay well for most athletes. I also think competing in MMA fights is a great way of challenging yourself beyond structured regime of a Dojang.

Aside from the appreciation of their talent, I also think our world has become way too soft. Heck, my 5 year old already competes competitively in martial arts. It is great for their confidence and instills many more beneficial aspects that will carry through life.
Why is it so entertaining to watch chicks beat each other up. Mud wresting yes, but this crop I can pass on.
Being someone that has been into Martial Arts my entire life, I can appreciate the talents of many of these fighters. Ronda Rousey was one of the best at Judo and competed in the Olympics. Unfortunately being in the Olympics doesn't pay well for most athletes. I also think competing in MMA fights is a great way of challenging yourself beyond structured regime of a Dojang.

Aside from the appreciation of their talent, I also think our world has become way too soft. Heck, my 5 year old already competes competitively in martial arts. It is great for their confidence and instills many more beneficial aspects that will carry through life.

Same with motocross, most people just think you sit on the bike and turn the throttle so they don't appreciate when a rider is able to run lines no one else can or turn an entire section into one huge jump.

I'm not able to follow the real technical stuff in mma but I learned a lot from a couple friends in PA as to the level of martial arts that is going on. Even though sometimes to me it just looks like they are hugging. In reality MMA is more like a physical game of chess.
Rousey looked a little buttery and out of shape, Holm looked ripped.
Why is it so entertaining to watch chicks beat each other up. Mud wresting yes, but this crop I can pass on.

I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy that as well. :D With MMA, For me... it has nothing to do with it being a girl at all. I'd say I may be more into the girls just because my daughter likes seeing how strong/skilled girls can be. I enjoy watching a good fighter whether male or female. My favorite MMA fighter to watch is Conor McGregor.

Same with motocross, most people just think you sit on the bike and turn the throttle so they don't appreciate when a rider is able to run lines no one else can or turn an entire section into one huge jump.

I'm not able to follow the real technical stuff in mma but I learned a lot from a couple friends in PA as to the level of martial arts that is going on. Even though sometimes to me it just looks like they are hugging. In reality MMA is more like a physical game of chess.

I hear ya. I raced motocross myself. Some of the most fit athletes in the world are the top MX racers.

Rousey looked a little buttery and out of shape, Holm looked ripped.

Totally! It will be interesting to see how Holm's progresses. Was Ronda just off her game or is Holm's the next big thing. one thing is for sure. That girls next fight will be big $$$.
That knockout was the best thing that could have happened to Rhonda Rousey. Now that she's got that out of the way, she can focus on being a better defender. It is her weakness and its been evident in each of her last two fights. She seemed off balance against Beth Correia.

I'm a fan of pugilism, but there's no real talent in boxing right now, so MMA is sort of a consolation prize.
Ronda Rousey got a lot of people interested in women's MMA fighting, including me. I don't really follow it closely, but I think her personality helped get people watching. As Landsickness said, boxing is pretty much dead, so this is the replacement. :D
Here is some other fun guys to watch. I like kicks as my background is in Taekwondo. These guys have more experience in Karate and KickBoxing, but they are great kickers.

Amazing kicks out of this guy. Michael Page. he is quite the show boat as well which is entertaining.

Stephen Thompson is a pretty awesome kicker as well.

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Ronda Rousey got a lot of people interested in women's MMA fighting, including me. I don't really follow it closely, but I think her personality helped get people watching. As Landsickness said, boxing is pretty much dead, so this is the replacement. :D


I have followed her in the last few fights..... Good for me as they only lasted 30 seconds or so....
What if no one cared!

Of course people care about watching buff sweaty guys wrestle.:wink2: It is the near naked football these guys have dreamed about seeing since Jr HS.:rofl:
Of course people care about watching buff sweaty guys wrestle.:wink2: It is the near naked football these guys have dreamed about seeing since Jr HS.:rofl:

Never played football and never was interested in it. I was the guy that taught some of those guys a lesson back in my school days. Never cared for the attitude, cockyness and lack of respect for girls those guys had. Sorry, but your assumption must just be a dream of yours.
Rousey bet on a fast and strong attack from the start to win, which maybe why she seemed out of shape. She was training for a 30 second win, not a multiple round fight. It's not really a surprise that another fighter was able to turn that to their advantage and beat her.
Sorry, but Jose Aldo is gonna hand Conor his a$$ on a plate. :D:yes:

Jose Aldo is a great fighter, I don't think I could make a call on that fight. I was not saying Conor was the best fighter ever. I am only saying he is my favorite to watch fight. I think his style is entertaining.

I have followed her in the last few fights..... Good for me as they only lasted 30 seconds or so....

I'd like to go 30 seconds with ronda rousey, if you know what I'm talkin about there, eh? eh?
I have never understood the interest that people have in watching one person beat up another, let alone what makes the fighters want to do it. While some people hold these cretins in high esteem, I think they are among the more disgusting elements of humanity.

I think you're more disgusting then those cretins. I bet you hold your head high.... you don't have the nerve to tell those cretins your feelings to their face. Perhaps you should just keep your mouth shut.

-From a fellow disgusting cretin who fights professionally & is a private pilot.
I think you're more disgusting then those cretins. I bet you hold your head high.... you don't have the nerve to tell those cretins your feelings to their face. Perhaps you should just keep your mouth shut.

-From a fellow disgusting cretin who fights professionally & is a private pilot.

Or what? Dont go proving his point for him. :rolleyes2:
-From a fellow disgusting cretin who fights professionally & is a private pilot.

Care to share who you are!?!?! I have two friends in PA that do some amateur stuff, they are both ER docs. I don't know anyone who is in the pro ranks.
I'd like to go 30 seconds with ronda rousey, if you know what I'm talkin about there, eh? eh?

30 seconds? You must be a rabbit. :D

She'll recover more quickly from getting knocked out than getting knocked up. :yes:
Me too! I get wood every time I see her in that hamburger commercial! :goofy::D

I hear that sooo sexy....

She recently endorsed Bernie Sanders for POTUS. Apparently, she's a true believer in redistribution, applying it even to the championship.

I didn't know that...

She is officially on my "puke when I see her" list...:vomit::vomit:

Maybe in her next fight she gets paralyzed from the mouth down and she can test out Obamacare...:rolleyes:
Or what? Dont go proving his point for him. :rolleyes2:

He doesn't have a point. He's spewing his opinions based on something he doesn't understand.

Not everyone walks the path of his liking, doesn't mean we're "cretins".... rude as hell.
Especially women. There's no amount of money in the world you could pay any woman I know to get their faces beaten to a pulp.

Yea I can imagine most women would turn down a couple hundred thousand dollars to fight Rhonda for 30 seconds.... not, if you tell them how many shoes that would buy, most would ask where to sign up lol.
Rousey bet on a fast and strong attack from the start to win, which maybe why she seemed out of shape.

Or, maybe she's just been distracted by the TV appearances, commercials, her role in Fast & Furious 7, and all the other recent trappings of her success.
Yea I can imagine most women would turn down a couple hundred thousand dollars to fight Rhonda for 30 seconds.... not, if you tell them how many shoes that would buy, most would ask where to sign up lol.

I think most men with any common sense would turn down the money, too. I'd take it, but only because I know that Ronda is an athlete, not a thug. She'd handily knock me to the mat and then back off. Professional fighters are athletes and artists, not barbarians.

As a youngster, I boxed at a local gym and wrestled in the PSAL. I wasn't especially good at either sport, but I did learn enough to understand and appreciate them. I was a little better at baseball until I messed up my shoulder trying to defy the laws of physics (short guy trying to be a fastball pitcher without the leverage), quite a bit better at soccer, and much better at cross-country.

The thing all of these sports have in common is that you have to understand them to appreciate them. Boxing and other fighting sports look like senseless brutality to those who don't understand their intricacies; just as baseball, soccer (and American football, for that matter), and track and field events in general are interminably boring to those who don't understand their finer points.

I was watching some car race last night. I guess I watched roughly the last half of the race. Kyle Busch won. I'd never heard of Kyle Busch before, but apparently he's a really good driver. But I have no idea what makes him a good driver. To me, car racing looks like a bunch of guys (and gals) driving around in circles. I don't get the attraction. But put me in one of those cars for a while and I know I'd start to understand the sport and to respect the drivers as athletes.

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