New Co-pilot Reaction


Jul 15, 2011
Huron, OH
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Wife told me yesterday I'm going to have a little co-pilot in 8 months:D. But she decided to get pregnant so she is due mid-week of Airventure next year:mad2:. I'll hold off with the aircraft upgrade thread for now (I'm thinking of selling off the naming rights to my child to offset the cost), but I'm wondering what other peoples reaction were when they found out. Mine was, "Oh, f-ck no!", followed shortly after by "Holy sh-t." Good thing my wife thought it was funny. She slyly set it up with a couple of my co-workers to have it recorded.
OH SH8T, man! So sorry. Dang, what are you gonna do??

Wait, we're not in high school anymore. Ok, different response then:

Congratulations, future father!

When it comes to your wife getting pregnant, you made it sound like it happened without you. I sure hope that you had at least SOMETHING to do with that! :lol:
OH SH8T, man! So sorry. Dang, what are you gonna do??

Wait, we're not in high school anymore. Ok, different response then:

Congratulations, future father!

When it comes to your wife getting pregnant, you made it sound like it happened without you. I sure hope that you had at least SOMETHING to do with that! :lol:

They are saving that for the Jerry Springer show...:lol:.....

Op.... Congrats on the preggers...
OH SH8T, man! So sorry. Dang, what are you gonna do??

Wait, we're not in high school anymore. Ok, different response then:

Congratulations, future father!

When it comes to your wife getting pregnant, you made it sound like it happened without you. I sure hope that you had at least SOMETHING to do with that! :lol:

If that was the night we were drinking at a friend's house, I most certainly did! We've been trying for the past 2 years, and just went on fertility meds last month. I wasn't expecting them to work right away.
Congratulations Josh!

I just had my co-pilot 3 months ago, and it's AWESOME.. be ready for a wild ride!
See if you can name the critter "Aircraft Spruce" and get sponsorship for your upgrade.
My reaction was shock. 7 years later it still hasn't worn off.

Congratulations! It is about the only thing that is more rewarding than flying.
I was watching a game when she told me. I said, "Can't you wait for the whistle before you talk to me?" Then the light bulb went on....:redface:'s rewarding, frustrating & constraining, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
Congratulations! My boys (4 and 6) are so excited about their dad flying. Nothing compares to dadhood. Enjoy the ride. First few years involve a lot of sleep deprivation, but the rewards are wondrous.
Wife told me yesterday I'm going to have a little co-pilot in 8 months:D. But she decided to get pregnant so she is due mid-week of Airventure next year:mad2:. I'll hold off with the aircraft upgrade thread for now (I'm thinking of selling off the naming rights to my child to offset the cost), but I'm wondering what other peoples reaction were when they found out. Mine was, "Oh, f-ck no!", followed shortly after by "Holy sh-t." Good thing my wife thought it was funny. She slyly set it up with a couple of my co-workers to have it recorded.

That noise I just heard was you throwing your wife under the bus...:yes::D:yes:


So, post the video already...:cheers:
For some reason the video is only pulling up and playing the audio only. I'll try to figure it out and post it.
When I told her that was OSH week, she did look like she was sorry. It's only an hour drive for me. Maybe I'll come up to celebrate.

I don't see the problem. The plane can easily be converted to a mobile birthing unit, thereby allowing you to attend OSH. :yes:
Heck, lots of doctors in the pilot population... bet you could find one to deliver if she goes into labor at Wittman Regional...
My wife was pretty cool about filling me in on my future. We were having lunch at the Runway Cafe at KNEW. She handed me a gift bag with a tiny purple outfit with a K&B logo (an old New Orleans drug store). Naturally, I thought it was an outfit for the miniature yorkie I married into. Anyway, the little guy's scheduled to arrive in Jan.

My wife was pretty cool about filling me in on my future. We were having lunch at the Runway Cafe at KNEW. She handed me a gift bag with a tiny purple outfit with a K&B logo (an old New Orleans drug store). Naturally, I thought it was an outfit for the miniature yorkie I married into. Anyway, the little guy's scheduled to arrive in Jan.

Congrats, Neighbor! Runway Cafe is a great place to find out. My kids love the pancakes.
wife and I are expecting a baby girl thats due on march. one of my first thoughts was there goes my airplane fund.LOL

I cant wait to meet her!!!
Congrats. I'm expecting a grand-copilot in March.
March is a busy time here on POA. My wife is expecting our first child in March. In the meantime I'm rushing out to knock out my ATP. This could put a damper on my plans for a PPONK upgrade next year. Priorities, sigh.
My wife came in and stood in front of the TV with a huge **** eating grin on her face and showed me to pg test.. Was totally stoked.. On the sleep thing, for the first 4-6 weeks, it was every hour-2 hrs like clockwork.. then he started sleeping 4 at a stretch. about 13 weeks, he started sleeping from 1930-0400. in the last week or 2, he has gone down about 1900, but wakes up almost every hour wanting a pacifier..
My wife came in and stood in front of the TV with a huge **** eating grin on her face and showed me to pg test.. Was totally stoked.. On the sleep thing, for the first 4-6 weeks, it was every hour-2 hrs like clockwork.. then he started sleeping 4 at a stretch. about 13 weeks, he started sleeping from 1930-0400. in the last week or 2, he has gone down about 1900, but wakes up almost every hour wanting a pacifier..

We eventually worked out a routine so that my wife and I took alternating 2-hr feedings with both of our boys, that got each of us about 3-1/2 hrs sleep between shifts. They're almost 6 and 8 now, that time is all a blur now. Live for the moment with the kids, it's a fast ride.
My wife suggested that she takes the baby m-th, i have him fri and sat
just went on fertility meds last month. I wasn't expecting them to work right away.
From what I heard from friends in similar situations, this is not unusual.
Make sure you don't end up octo-dad. Then you'd need a bigger airplane!! King Air comes to mind for some reason ... ;)
Congrats on the new addition, kids are great............most of the time! :yes:
I wouldn't be too concerned about the birth occurring during Oshkosh, you aren't a doctor are you? I mean you've already contributed all you're going to contribute to the big event until it's time to change a diaper. So, go to OSH, relax and let the professionals handle it!! :D

If you choose to take this advice, please make sure that you also look for alternative living quarters before you leave for OSH! :D
From what I heard from friends in similar situations, this is not unusual.
Make sure you don't end up octo-dad. Then you'd need a bigger airplane!! King Air comes to mind for some reason ... ;)

It shouldn't be more than one. She wasn't on Clomid, which pushes out more eggs. She was on Letrazole (sp?), which helps make sure you ovulate. It's just been a crazy road. I was told I had a low count and low motility, but when I went to the urologist he said it wasn't that bad. I guess the fertility clinic has stricter standards because they are looking for the best specimins for IVF. She had a cyst that was covering an ovary, so that had to be removed, and the doc was pushing IVF on us ($15K procedure). I said no, we wanted to try the meds first ($5). Meds worked. If I had King Air income, I would have gone right to IVF.
Congrats on the new addition, kids are great............most of the time! :yes:
I wouldn't be too concerned about the birth occurring during Oshkosh, you aren't a doctor are you? I mean you've already contributed all you're going to contribute to the big event until it's time to change a diaper. So, go to OSH, relax and let the professionals handle it!! :D

If you choose to take this advice, please make sure that you also look for alternative living quarters before you leave for OSH! :D

If it comes early, I will at least try to make it for a day. Between her mother and my mother, I'm sure I won't be needed too much the first few weeks. And what is this diaper changing that you speak of? I have cat litter duty for 9 months, so I'm going to lean on that to get out of diaper changing for as long as I can.
If it comes early, I will at least try to make it for a day. Between her mother and my mother, I'm sure I won't be needed too much the first few weeks. And what is this diaper changing that you speak of? I have cat litter duty for 9 months, so I'm going to lean on that to get out of diaper changing for as long as I can.

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA. One would think that... But not so much.. You're going to WANT to do it.. It's time you get to spend with your son/daughter. I have never in my life been ok with being peed on, pooped on, or puked on, and now, it's just par for the course. The fastest way to **** your wife off is to NOT help with the baby.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA. One would think that... But not so much.. You're going to WANT to do it.. It's time you get to spend with your son/daughter. I have never in my life been ok with being peed on, pooped on, or puked on, and now, it's just par for the course. The fastest way to **** your wife off is to NOT help with the baby.

I think after the first time I use the garden hose to clean it, maybe I will get a diaper pass.