- Draw connections where no connections exist, then use them to make huge generalizations. For example: Timothy McVeigh was a Republican, therefore all republicans support terrorism.
- Make stuff up and hope nobody checks your facts. (Who knows they might be right, and they sound good to you!) For example: Timothy Mcveigh was a Republican.
- When your argument is shown to be specious, attack the person who exposed you and ignore their points. For example: "Here are the documented facts which dispute your claims" - response - "You are a [whatever] and out to destroy the country. You probably party with Michael Jackson!"
- Always get in the last word. Unless you have been undeniably beaten and shown the fool, always get in one more personal or general derogatory comment about the poster in specific, or about whatever socio-political group you have slotted said poster into.
- Be as random, offensive, flame-bating, incorrect, combative, whatever, as you want, but immediately attack anyone who posts anything counter to your argument as... ...random, offensive, flame-bating, incorrect, combative, whatever. If you get called on this, just use the aforementioned "attack the poster" tactic.
- Treat all criticisms as personal attacks on you and your family. Even if the post was not a response to you, did not mention you by name, or even refer to a demographic group you belong to, take the opportunity to accuse the poster of "having it in for you".
- Do not, repeat, not, attempt to engage in logical or reasonable debate. You will have your lunch handed to you.
PS - If you feel that this post is directed at you, it probably is.