6Y9 Flyin Labor Day Weekend 2020


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 19, 2005
Romeoville, IL
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Grant Prellwitz
So, I'm already looking forward to seeing @Dizaster and @EdFred at 6Y9 this year! Need to figure out where to stay, but that will work itself out, I know. Who else will be there?
Our plan is to be there this year Grant. Only thing that could get in the way is that my daughter in law is planning a big surprise for my sons return from active duty in Djibouti (sp) East Africa. It is planned for the weekend before Labor day, but you know how those plans can change.

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fly, drive or crawl...I plan to be there! after all, I have two camp chairs to reclaim!
So the weekend of September 4-6?
We’re out. First year since it reopened that we won’t make it up there. :(
With COVID and some personal stuff we have going on, though, it’s just not in the cards.
Martina and I will also be out, as this was the only available week to get checked out in a Zenith. Sorry. :(
Was hoping to hitch a ride with Spike but my wife has a trip to Sedona planned so I have to stay here and hold down the fort.
It looks like I'll be starting a new job next Monday and, even though I negotiated 4 weeks of vacation upon start, I probably wouldn't be a good move to take off a couple of days the very first week.

But, if my start date is delayed for some reason, I'll be there!
Martina and I will also be out, as this was the only available week to get checked out in a Zenith. Sorry. :(
Sorry to hear you won't be there. Does this mean you're Zenith is nearing completion?

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I pinged RadarContact and Dr Bruce,

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Puppy still doesn't like airplane rides, we're out this year until he likes both camping & airplanes... we're working on it.
I am a maybe..... I need to practice short/soft field in the Bonanza first. Last time I was there in my old 182.
I am a maybe..... I need to practice short/soft field in the Bonanza first. Last time I was there in my old 182.
If I can do it in my Mooney... Last year there was a seriously spanky Vtail Bo that showed up. Really nicely restored.

I'm out three ways to Sunday. No fly ins for me until I get vaccinated for the 'rona.
We are half way there, staying the night in West Branch, MI

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I am a maybe..... I need to practice short/soft field in the Bonanza first. Last time I was there in my old 182.

The Bonanza does very well at 6Y9. Last year I took off 300 pounds under gross weight with plenty of room to spare. 260hp H model.
Laura and I are a definite maybe! Really just depends on the weather.
Your MH would look good up here Ted

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I so wanted to make this my first- but the bird is down for a panel upgrade. Well new paint and shaft u joints and yoke bearings- not avionics. So have fun, see ya next year!
Beautiful day here. Where are all of ya?
Two week old daughter is keeping me close to home these days.
Is the monkey still a chechaquo, or has he/she passed that status by now?

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Hmm or is it "past"? Too early worry about that.

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