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      Ethanash16 reacted to Clip4's post in the thread I just got screwed.. with Like Like.
      The operational hours are posted for god and everyone on their website and anyone that knows anything about sky diving knows it is a...
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      Ethanash16 replied to the thread I just got screwed...
      Youre damn right they did. I made sure to be crystal clear with them before i moved there too. I said how many hours per week, they said...
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      Ethanash16 replied to the thread I just got screwed...
      I wasnt offered those jobs, and the attraction was they hired me
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      Ethanash16 replied to the thread I just got screwed...
      Well the pipeline patrol operations, aerial survey/photography, banner towing and tours hire around those hours. Otherwise like how do...
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      Ethanash16 replied to the thread I just got screwed...
      Skydive adventures in luverne, MN.. definitely do not go there. Also the chief pilot there is jim and he’s an ass, picked up on that...
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      Ethanash16 replied to the thread I just got screwed...
      Yeah it’s just so frustrating. I just want to start my career i spent so much money working on and i feel like i can’t even get my feet...
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      Ethanash16 replied to the thread I just got screwed...
      Yeah i learned that the hard way. Now im stuck in sioux falls and have to get some other job to make some money to go to the next place...
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      I have 400TT and i got hired to fly skydivers in a c206 staionaire in luverne, MN. The insurance approved me, they hired me and told me...
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