Moving to new airport


Final Approach
Jul 10, 2011
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I sold my business, it was a 7-10 minute drive to Fulton County Airport, about 30 minutes from my house. I decided to relocate my Conquest farther west to Carrollton GA. It’s now about a 40 minute commute, saved $400 per month on the hangar and fuel is $2.20 per gallon cheaper! I’ve been hangared at FTY for 28 years, so even the money difference made it a tough decision. I had informed the line personnel that I was moving, they said I should talk to the new GM, which I did on October 3. He didn’t try to get me to stay, which is fine, I had only paid his maintenance department $43,000.00 in the last 2 weeks. I see him this past week and he asks for a letter or email to have it in writing, I emailed him the same day thanking them for the past 28 years. He tells me they need 30 days notice, but he’ll prorate the 3 days!! I was shocked! I’ll see what happens when I get my hangar bill on the first, if they charge me, I’ll pay it, I’ve still got my 182 there. I just thought after 28 years and well over $500,000 spent, plus two engine overhauls on my Citation, he would’ve not even mentioned the 3 days! I’m really looking forward to seeing this bill! His attitude made me even happier with my decision!!
Congrats on selling the business !

Don't expect any gratitude from anyone. Two weeks from now I'll be done with a job that I have held for a little bit more than 10 years. I fully anticipate that it'll be 'dont forget to leave your ID and the pager with security on the way out'
FTY is an outstanding example of a poorly run airport. I guess someone in Fulton County/City of Atlanta is skimming enough money to make it worthwhile to keep open, but there's no way they are gonna do anything that actually makes business sense. Based on location, that place could be a beehive of activity. But it is a dead zone. I live 15 minutes from there and wouldn't stop there if I had an engine on fire.
FTY is an outstanding example of a poorly run airport. I guess someone in Fulton County/City of Atlanta is skimming enough money to make it worthwhile to keep open, but there's no way they are gonna do anything that actually makes business sense. Based on location, that place could be a beehive of activity. But it is a dead zone. I live 15 minutes from there and wouldn't stop there if I had an engine on fire.
It’s sad, I really like the airport, everyone in the tower calls me by name, the line crew is excellent, you’re right, it could be much busier. Between the high priced FBO’s and Fulton county taxes, they seem to have 6-8 business flight departments, Home Depot, Coca Cola, Bellsouth, Georgia Pacific and a couple others all with their big hangars and cheap fuel deals. It’s guys like me that pay$6.00 for Jet-A that allows them to sell to the big guys for $4.00 or less! The estimate to replace the lower door section and cables was $22,000.00, I was stuck there as the door would not close. Final bill, after 2 months, $39,000.00!! My insurance paid it, but they really took advantage of the situation. I’d move my 182, but my son is 15 minutes from there and he’d be over an hour to Carrollton and probably quit flying.
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Congrats on selling the business !

Don't expect any gratitude from anyone. Two weeks from now I'll be done with a job that I have held for a little bit more than 10 years. I fully anticipate that it'll be 'dont forget to leave your ID and the pager with security on the way out'
I certainly didn’t expect a parade, but a “What can I do to keep you here?” Would made me feel better!
I certainly didn’t expect a parade, but a “What can I do to keep you here?” Would made me feel better!
Maybe he’s got 20 guys on a waiting list calling him every week looking for a hangar. You leaving means one less call.
Maybe he’s got 20 guys on a waiting list calling him every week looking for a hangar. You leaving means one less call.

I think this. I realize that the OP thinks his business is worthy of being begged to stay, but in my experience in the business world, if there is a big demand for services or products in any line of business, service levels are almost in a direct inverse relationship to that demand.

Despite what the OP thinks, his business is not that big of a deal to the FBO. They will be just fine without him. And he will be fine without them as well. Everyone is fine.
Maybe he’s got 20 guys on a waiting list calling him every week looking for a hangar. You leaving means one less call.
Actually the ramp and hangars are getting more open everyday, but I see your point.
I think this. I realize that the OP thinks his business is worthy of being begged to stay, but in my experience in the business world, if there is a big demand for services or products in any line of business, service levels are almost in a direct inverse relationship to that demand.

Despite what the OP thinks, his business is not that big of a deal to the FBO. They will be just fine without him. And he will be fine without them as well. Everyone is fine.
I will be fine and as a now former business owner, I appreciated every customer. One customer will not affect their bottom line and I don’t except some super deal, the 3 days of hangar rent is what got me mad, not the $75.00, the idea of charging a long time customer for 3 days. The FBO has fewer base customers than ever before, maybe that’s the goal? This isn’t a place where people are on a list, other than the 10 or 12 T-hangars, flight school moved out, several Citations and turbo props have gone elsewhere.
They have t-hangars?

When I flew there we stopped at Stockmar and fueled up. It was $2+/gal cheaper and only 18 nm away. That was years ago. Seems at times like they are trying to basically run it as a private airport for the mega corporations in Atlanta.

With the wait list at PDK so long they could fill the area by the closed runway 9-27 with t-hangars and have no problem filling them.

They have t-hangars?

When I flew there we stopped at Stockmar and fueled up. It was $2+/gal cheaper and only 18 nm away. That was years ago. Seems at times like they are trying to basically run it as a private airport for the mega corporations in Atlanta.

With the wait list at PDK so long they could fill the area by the closed runway 9-27 with t-hangars and have no problem filling them.

There’s a dozen or so between Hill and the fire station, I asked years ago and they said they had a big list! I like Stockmar, too narrow for the Conquest, no Jet A and no approach. I think you’re right the airport management doesn’t seem to want smaller planes or they’d build the t-hangars.
I sold my business, it was a 7-10 minute drive to Fulton County Airport, about 30 minutes from my house. I decided to relocate my Conquest farther west to Carrollton GA. It’s now about a 40 minute commute, saved $400 per month on the hangar and fuel is $2.20 per gallon cheaper! I’ve been hangared at FTY for 28 years, so even the money difference made it a tough decision. I had informed the line personnel that I was moving, they said I should talk to the new GM, which I did on October 3. He didn’t try to get me to stay, which is fine, I had only paid his maintenance department $43,000.00 in the last 2 weeks. I see him this past week and he asks for a letter or email to have it in writing, I emailed him the same day thanking them for the past 28 years. He tells me they need 30 days notice, but he’ll prorate the 3 days!! I was shocked! I’ll see what happens when I get my hangar bill on the first, if they charge me, I’ll pay it, I’ve still got my 182 there. I just thought after 28 years and well over $500,000 spent, plus two engine overhauls on my Citation, he would’ve not even mentioned the 3 days! I’m really looking forward to seeing this bill! His attitude made me even happier with my decision!!

I appreciate that you have been a valuable customer. However, you just told him you were no longer a customer. What is his incentive to be nice? My experience is that most businessmen when faced with profit v. generosity will err on the side of profit. Yet, I'm just guessing here, he may have he erred on the side of generosity. Your hangar lease says 30 days notice. If it is like most leases, and I obviously don't know for sure, the lease would require you to pay another full month if you fail to give the 30 days notice. This is what I was expecting you to say as I was reading your post. Bottom line, his 3 day charge probably saved you 27 days of charges actually due under the lease. Perhaps if you go back and read the lease you'll find the manager was generous.
I appreciate that you have been a valuable customer. However, you just told him you were no longer a customer. What is his incentive to be nice? My experience is that most businessmen when faced with profit v. generosity will err on the side of profit. Yet, I'm just guessing here, he may have he erred on the side of generosity. Your hangar lease says 30 days notice. If it is like most leases, and I obviously don't know for sure, the lease would require you to pay another full month if you fail to give the 30 days notice. This is what I was expecting you to say as I was reading your post. Bottom line, his 3 day charge probably saved you 27 days of charges actually due under the lease. Perhaps if you go back and read the lease you'll find the manager was generous.
I’m still his customer, my 182 is based there. I never signed a lease agreement on any of the 8 airplanes I have based and hangared there. But, it’s no big deal in the long run, one of my friends called me yesterday and he’s moving his plane as well.