
Jun 17, 2019
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These PCAS units were once pretty great... What has caused them to be obsolete? Yes, some folks have ADSB in... But not all..

TCAS is an expensive option for those with glass panels.

I'm wondering why the PCAS units, some of which can talk to VFR apps (the XRS units, I think) and GPSs are not still a great idea... At least for renters...

Input? Discussion?
I had an XRX for years and thought it was great, for its time. That said, whenever I’d get an alert, my head was on a swivel: I had no idea if the traffic was where it said it was or even 180 degrees out. But it got me looking.

ADS-B is a game-changer. And while technically the XRX could pick up traffic not seen by ADS-B, because I either file IFR or use flight following for most of my flying, it came to add less and less.

I finally got rid of mine maybe 8 months ago. At first I thought of selling it or even giving it away but I decided it was pitchable. It served its purpose but seemed to be obsolete.

Altitude was always the most accurate and was pretty good. Bearing was second but could be off literally by 180 degrees. Distance was a crapshoot based on the strength of the other transponder.

Hope that helps
I use both the ads-b in and a monroy atd-200 which is similar to the XRX -- it's panel mounted though so I don't pay it any attention.

I may be out of date, but when I had my XRX it was a cord tumbleweed to interface with my portable garmin. I haven't seen anyone using a PCAS with, say, foreflight or garmin pilot... so perhaps the better integration from ads-b doodads is what has mooted pcas?
XRX used on every flight, just recalibrate it every now and then, used a Y cable to feed WiFi to the iPad and Bluetooth to the old BK Av8oR unit when it worked
I have an XRX sitting on the shelf. Not worth the effot.
If you use it, DO NOT use their idiotic cable to insert its audio into the headset path. It doesn't fail safe. If the XRX is off or the plug pulls out of the XRX, you lose your headset audio (silently).
I have an XRX sitting on the shelf. Not worth the effot.
If you use it, DO NOT use their idiotic cable to insert its audio into the headset path. It doesn't fail safe. If the XRX is off or the plug pulls out of the XRX, you lose your headset audio (silently).
I just bought an MRX. Not as "feature laden" as the XRX units.. might be useful, might not. Trying, deciding. I can probably resell at same price...

I keep my head outside, and on a swivel anyway... But thought this might be an attention getter... We'll see.
I have ADS-B in, and still use my MRX. Belt and suspenders?
I have ADS-B in, and still use my MRX. Belt and suspenders?
My rental has ADSB in also. But, a friend that I met on POA has a Deb with TCAS, which of course, covers all aircraft with transponders.

Our club ain't gonna buy TCAS anytime soon, and the MRX is nearly as good.

If a plane has an xponder and it gets queried by a plane with TCAS, or a ground radar unit, the MRX should pick it up and only alert if near, or advise if not a threat.

Are you using batteries, or ship's power to run it?
Batteries. The 2 AA Duracells last about 10-12 hours of use, so in my case, about 6-8 flights, depending. I carry a bunch of AAs in my flight bag, and changing the batteries in flight takes about 30 sec max.
Batteries. The 2 AA Duracells last about 10-12 hours of use, so in my case, about 6-8 flights, depending. I carry a bunch of AAs in my flight bag, and changing the batteries in flight takes about 30 sec max.
Thanks, cool! I look forward to trying it!