I was flying to an uncontrolled airport today. I called on the CTAF 5 miles out and joined the downwind (right downwind for runway 27) in a 45 degree angle while descending to the pattern altitude (1000' AGL). No traffic in the pattern, just a helicopter north of the field (no factor). VFR daylight conditions. When I was on the middle of the downwind leg, abeam the middle of the runway and at pattern altitude a taildragger that was overflying the field at pattern altitude from south to north came very close to me. Even though I was looking for traffic the whole time I was unable to see him. He wasn't on the CTAF. He might have had me in sight since I was on his nose the whole time, but I didnt have him insight until he came very close to me and crossed the downwind leg behind me.
Any thoughts? What went wrong here?
Any thoughts? What went wrong here?