Your Drive Time to Airport?

20 - 30 mins both Florida and mass.
Was 15-20 minutes in CA. Now its about 12 via backroads in TX. That's from home, which is also my work.
Sorry another 20 sec trip.
9B8 midfield.
20-25 min was always OK n the past.
I can walk down the hill in the back yard and be there in less than 20 seconds, but I don’t have an airplane there. Yet. I know something will come along for me some day... in the meantime I bum rides with friends.

I still don't see how you're gonna get a plane through that gate.... ;)
I still don't see how you're gonna get a plane through that gate.... ;)

I'll worry about that after I get one. Until then I like to show off pics of how close our house is to one of the nicest grass runways in the Adirondacks. So, if anyone as a spare airplane that they want to loan me, sell to me at a very hard to refuse price, or otherwise commit to my use, I can work on finding a way to fit it through that gate for mscard's peace of mind. :)
In fact, I like my setup at the current airport enough that it would be fairly difficult to convince me to move to an airport closer to home.

Just buy 4KS1, extend the runway 800 ft to the north and move your entire operations there.
25 min drive to KEDU from my house.
If and when I eventually buy an airplane, the local airport is 10 min from my house
Was 20ish minutes, then they put in an outer loop, now it's 8 minutes. However, people drive with wreckless abandon on that new loop, so chance of death is probably several times higher. Tradeoffs....
No matter what option I choose, access to an aircraft rental is an hour plus drive at KJWN. 66 miles one way. I'm thinking of joining a club roughly the same distance up in KY.

Anyone driving an hour plus to fly?

My drive is 5 minutes to my hangar
It used to be funny when the TV weather folks in Oklahoma City couldn't pronounce Chickasha correctly...and I won't even mention Cyril....oh, drat!
It used to be funny when the TV weather folks in Oklahoma City couldn't pronounce Chickasha correctly...and I won't even mention Cyril....oh, drat!

We got a bunch of them funny names here in Indian Territory. Winters and I were discussing a couple just yesterday.

I only know that as a company name. :)

The company's name comes from the Anadarko Basin situated mainly in western OK and the Texas panhandle, where the company got it's start. It's one of the most prolific oil and gas producing regions in the country, the only commercial source of iodine in the U.S, and major helium producer. The word Anadarko comes from the Nadarko Indians, a branch of the Caddo Tribe, hence the City of Anadarko being the county seat of Caddo County. The "A" was added by clerical error and it stuck.

And now that we've quite thoroughly hijacked this thread, at least you've learned ya somethin'.
The company's name comes from the Anadarko Basin situated mainly in western OK and the Texas panhandle, where the company got it's start. It's one of the most prolific oil and gas producing regions in the country, the only commercial source of iodine in the U.S, and major helium producer. The word Anadarko comes from the Nadarko Indians, a branch of the Caddo Tribe, hence the City of Anadarko being the county seat of Caddo County. The "A" was added by clerical error and it stuck.

And now that we've quite thoroughly hijacked this thread, at least you've learned ya somethin'.

I knew the oil and gas part... I used to be in that biz, as was another family member, long long looooong ago. Back when Texaco was still around... I was in and out of the biz quickly, my family member retired from it.

Didn’t know about the Nadarko tribe, though. Interesting stuff.
If okieflyer drives much more than 5 minutes he's in chickasha...and not many folks can spel that wright.

Is Chickasha still the horse trailer capital of the world? My dad sent me out there to pick up a trailer he had built. It was particularly memorable because I was driving a 15 year old pickup truck that turned out to have a clogged radiator, and I almost got stranded in Ozark, Arkansas on the way out. I had to take it really easy with the trailer all the way back.
Is Chickasha still the horse trailer capital of the world? My dad sent me out there to pick up a trailer he had built. It was particularly memorable because I was driving a 15 year old pickup truck that turned out to have a clogged radiator, and I almost got stranded in Ozark, Arkansas on the way out. I had to take it really easy with the trailer all the way back.

I doubt they could claim that these days. I believe that industry has been in decline for quite a few years. I know Stidham went out of business. I think Cimarron and Hart are the only major horse trailer manufacturers remaining in Chickasha. That town has had a tough go. A few industries have gone by, by over the years..
My 12 mile/20 minute drive has grown ever longer in time, as they continue to develop the old Rocky Flats Nuclear plant property into McMansions on a postage stamp, complete with soil that glows in the dark, and Prebbles jumping mouse endangered species that you still kill with a standard mousetrap.

That same 12 miles took 40 minutes yesterday.
I chose a neighborhood to move to based in large part on proximity to work and airport. It is about a 15 minute on each side triangle between KMYF, home and work. But it is SoCal so that 15 min can turn into 30 min during rush hour. I try not to drive during rush hour.
My 12 mile/20 minute drive has grown ever longer in time, as they continue to develop the old Rocky Flats Nuclear plant property into McMansions on a postage stamp, complete with soil that glows in the dark, and Prebbles jumping mouse endangered species that you still kill with a standard mousetrap.

That same 12 miles took 40 minutes yesterday.

Only 70 POUNDS of “lost” plutonium. It should be a lovely place to build houses on. ;) ;) ;)

The Dream

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That is nice, Bill.

Do deer in those woods find their way onto the runway?

Unfortunately yes, especially since the flight school left. Got one with a wheel some years ago. Now I try not to fly in at night.

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Unfortunately yes, especially since the flight school left. Got one with a wheel some years ago. Now I try not to fly in at night.

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For some reason the GREAT deck on the house attracts me more than the airfield.
When I was hang gliding it was 2:15 from my house to either the launch or the practice hill, if I left at 5:15 AM. It's a little longer later in the day.
10 mins to T67 (mine) or 20 mins to KFTW (ours). Both airports are on the same road.
Yesterday a POAer asked me if I wanted to meet for SC Breakfast Club meeting next weekend... Already promised wife a different destination for that day, but considered the option until I realized that because of my drive time to the airport, I'd have to leave the house around 6am to allow enough time for the 45 minute drive, pulling the airplane from the hangar, preflighting, prepping the cockpit with my crap (headsets ipad etc) and of course the necessary, preflight-pee, in order to make it to the breakfast in time to have it be all worthwhile. My club is great! I doubt I'd find anything as good any closer to the house until I can own (sometime next year, I think) and park it next to @eman1200 booney. I hate being so far from the plane. You really do fly less because of it....
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