Mental illness is real. Most habitual criminals are not healthy individuals, but have not necessarily been diagnosed with mental illness (yet). People who make mistakes and serve their time are generally rehabilitated from their jail time alone. Those who don't learn from it are the ones I was referring to in the first sentence. It has very little to do with wanting to help oneself, sadly. That is NOT an excuse for breaking the law, only an explanation for how it happens with recidivists.
Problem is, even if you got them all diagnosed, very little would be done. Plenty of examples of that in the news recently. Even mental illness plus direct threats doesn’t really motivate action from the “normal” folk tasked professionally with doing something about crime. Not PC enough anymore. And PC rules now.
Plus we already have incredibly high incarceration numbers and growing, plus businesses who profit from it.
We have a family friend who’s likely to go back to prison. Everyone always hollers (who don’t know these folks personally nor how broken they are) that we need “community” and all that blather to fix it. This person is literally surrounded by folks who care about her, but her brain is broken. She believes everyone owes her something continually for whatever reason, which leads to her first major conviction being embezzlement, and probably her second, and third and fourth. Whenever those occur.
There’s not a “community” on the planet that can fix her. Counseling lessens her focus on how everyone owes her things she wants, but when she slows up on it and thinks she’s “better” or even “good” and understands it, she starts complaining again that the world owes her things.
She’s bright. Very bright. Held lots of great jobs with plenty of growth potential in them. Then she steals from the boss and it’s over. When the boss was a government agency, that got her imprisoned. Other bosses called it the cost of doing business and moved on after firing her.
Whether she truly has a mental health diagnosis, I can’t know. That’s private. But I can’t imagine she’s paying out of pocket for all the halfway houses, counseling, meds — if any, and all the other stuff. So I’m going with “definitely diagnosed”.
Very unlikely she won’t put herself back in jail. Her best shot is to live out her life stealing from private employers who won’t press charges.
Everyone who knows her personally would love to find a magic wand that fixes that portion of her brain that tells her everybody owes her things. It doesn’t exist. Diagnosis, jail, whatever, she will believe that until she’s dead. My opinion anyway.
Best any treatment could do would be to manage it so she only steals small items and shoplifts. Seriously. There’s no fixing it.