You are warned..


Spare the women and children!!!

Avert your eyes!!!!!!

Oh, the horror!!!!!!!!
Evil Santa Monster?

Here's a role model for the kids:

Flying without a license
No medical
No flight training
No flight reviews
No airworthiness certificate
Untrained mechanics
Severely overloaded
Unapproved engines
No pilot restraint systems
No contact with ATC at all
No anti-ice systems
Scud running in all sorts of weather including hard 0-0 IMC
Unauthorized airspace ops including but not limited to ADIZ, TFR and R- areas
Landing in residential areas, specifically short field ops while overloaded on inadequate surfaces
Excessive airspeed
Wreckless low level maneuvering
Blantant diregarding of the FAR's in general
And that's just for starters...

A little 150 is minding it's own business in another state and people complain yet this guy gets away with that nonsense year after year... Sigh.

The obligatory he had it coming to him picture:


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When he comes there will be cries of horror.

Desperate pleas for change.

Drunken squirrels. Animals with pancakes. Dancing men in leotards.


Rabbits aren't the only ones...

Did Scott get his Santa-costume picture the taken again this year?
hooray! now it will truly be the holiday season
OMG, did I just challenge Scott to come up with ANOTHER weird avatar!:yikes::yikes::yikes:

That's a waste of breath (or keystrokes). He'll do it regardless of input from anyone else. :D
A SAC shield in the foreground. I always wondered if it was under the influence of the Dark Side!:D
First, dog smuggling across many state lines, now this......
Mom told me never to trust a guy in need of a haircut...
Oh... the huge manatee


Wouldn't wreckless be a good thing?

It took a year for someone to catch that! hahaha!

And yes it is. However the way everyone goes on about low level maneuvering (aka buzzing), he's a bad influence that will get everyone else who does it killed.