Yoke Buttons

Hang 4

PoA Supporter
Aug 18, 2017
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Hang 4
I'm in the midst of a GFC500 install on my Archer. I had an STEC 30 that had an AP disconnect and an ALT Hold button on the yoke. AP disconnect stays for the GFC, but I now have an orphan button. I have a GTN, Garmin Transponder, PS 450B audio panel. Current thoughts for the button are;
- Pilot Isolate (mute intercom)

I'm leaning to IDENT as I have to look to find it and I typically get asked to ident when going from tower to approach on an IMC day. That tends to be a pretty task saturated time and looking away from the instruments to find the button on the transponder is a distraction.

Any other thoughts from the minds of PoA?
GFC500 doesn't have provision for a CWS button? Where are you putting the TOGA?
GFC500 doesn't have provision for a CWS button? Where are you putting the TOGA?
No CWS option for GFC500, TOGA has to be adjacent to throttle according to STC.
Have to have a Garmin audio panel for Push to Command to work.
The yoke button should be reserved for something that 1) you do often (e.g. talk on radio), and/or 2) you need to do quickly without moving your hand from the yoke / taking eyes off what you're doing.

  • Ident - infrequent. Put an orange or high vis green dot on the IDENT button and that should help.
  • Flip Flop - frequent. Could be helpful when switching from approach to tower (or CTAF) in high task moment. (Assuming flip flop within same radio, not switch from Com1 to Com 2)
  • Pilot Isolate - easy enough to say "Quiet!" :)
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I have and like a flip/flip button for Com 1 on the yoke, and a com 1/com 2 swap button (tied to the audio panel). I don't find ident on the yoke to be useful, personally. It's infrequently used and I don't consider it an "urgent" thing to do, even when asked. If I'm task-saturated, as request for "ident" waits until I can turn my attention to it.
Use yoke/stick switches for important tasks that need to be done often, and without taking the time to look at the switch - PTT, trim, AP disconnect/CWS. The more switches on the yoke, the more wiring connections to be made, and the more chances for a failure.
What do you use to mount the switches in? What type of little box can go on the top of the yoke and hold the switches?
Passenger eject
What do you use to mount the switches in? What type of little box can go on the top of the yoke and hold the switches?
This was on the yoke when I purchased the plane. Hat button is trim, Red button will be AP disconnect, PTT is on the other side not visible, Black button is the orphan I am trying to find a use for. Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 2.04.21 PM.png
Where is the chemtrail switch currently?
Flip/flop is a very nice feature - you’ll use it at least 10x more than a remote ident button