yo mscard.......

Seems you have already!

They weren't the crew were they? :rofl:
How does that conversation' even start?
“There are children,” another passenger said. “There are families. There are seniors. These things should be respected.”

Could one of the seniors here confirm whether or not they care if the young’uns are misbehaving in 5A and 5B? LOL. I’m thinking as a senior someday, I’d mostly be amused.

“The lusty duo were issued citations for the raunchy in-flight entertainment, and the matter ended in the FBI’s lap.

The feds said the two could be charged with anything from a misdemeanor to a felony.”

What the hell would they be charged with that would be a felony? Danger to the flight, due to the FAs being distracted from serving sodas in cruise? LOL.

Oh no... I’ve been given a “citation”...

Although for the 28 year old it could be kinda fun for interviews for the rest of his life...

“Our background check shows you have a felony record. Could you explain what happened?”

I'm about as senior as men come given the actuarial tables and still fogging a mirror but still try to keep an open mind in recognition of changing times. Unthinkables when I was in my teens are now the norm. Hell; did I regret the sixties when sex was safe and motorcycles were dangerous? No way. I partook of the freedoms of that era to the utmost. Never came home from the bar alone. Sometimes went to her place, sometimes to mine. The Millennial generation has nothing on us seniors. How do you think you got here?

Shotguns, except for in Cajun territory, had gone out of style but "marriages of convenience" ruled.

Not guilty! Never fathered any that I know of. :biggrin: :devil: Yep I had my fun back then.

Desiree may disagree with me about the shotguns. Down in the swampland anything goes.
The Millennial generation has nothing on us seniors. How do you think you got here?

LOL! I ain’t no millennial Norm. But most millennial’s are the spawn of Gen-X, not Boomers. Although a lot of Boomers have “oops” babies too. :)

(I have a number of older friends in their 60s who seem to be pretty happy their kids are just about to get the hell out of college and their houses... they think...)

I definitely “got here” from a couple of Boomers who were hippies in the 70s and probably quite high when they had me. LOL. It explains a lot. :)

What I’ve never figured out is why they voted all the stuff they did to be highly illegal and life changing if one got caught doing any of it, before I was old enough to vote. Ex-hippie politicians love regulations. It’s very weird.

Not that I care much. I was usually too busy working to do much other than drink too much beer and scotch in my 20s after work. Which meant, not very often. The Boomer owners of the companies I worked for back then figured out that providing beer at work meant we stayed later and worked more, too. Haha. Too bad they didn’t budget too well and ran the place bankrupt.

At least I learned that if a place is getting 50% more time and effort out of almost all of the staff and still can’t turn a profit, to run away, much sooner than waiting for the pink slips. Haha. I don’t do “startups pretending they’ll be profitable next year for four years” anymore, even if they offer free beer. Call me a slow learner.

Cash on the barrelhead for your risky business silliness is all I’ll do now. Founders shares? Yeah... keep the toilet paper you con artists. I’ll take the green stuff, thanks. :)

I’m always amazed that people still fall for that whole “We are family” garbage at work, too. Yeah, your family won’t dump you on the street when their risky business growth loans are called in. Haha.

Got a monthly report to go type for the boss so he can bill for my time... gotta go now... it’s the 1st which means I get to send him the list of stuff I did that’ll make him and me $$$$. :)
What I’ve never figured out is why they voted all the stuff they did to be highly illegal and life changing if one got caught doing any of it, before I was old enough to vote. Ex-hippie politicians love regulations. It’s very weird.

I have noticed that, too. And most old hippies seem to have decided that capitalism is a good thing after all.
When I read the article, there was a related video for this app https://airdates.co/
It apparently is a a hookup app for airline travelers (like Tinder).
Hmmm, Southwest airlines and don't pick-up the boarding pass until checking the action on the flight might the the direction to head on this.
I have noticed that, too. And most old hippies seem to have decided that capitalism is a good thing after all.

They were never really hippies. Authentic hippies still exist and live the life you would think they would. The hippie movement was over as soon as it became popular to call ones self a hippie.
They were never really hippies. Authentic hippies still exist and live the life you would think they would. The hippie movement was over as soon as hot running water became widely available.

I think the guy can sue the airline for letting a cougar run free in the cabin!
I have noticed that, too. And most old hippies seem to have decided that capitalism is a good thing after all.

Hahaha yeah. They like their 401K being big enough to retire on. :)

The ex-hippie politicians however never met a tax they didn’t like. They’re all saving the economy by taxation and calling tax cuts “the government giving money” to people. As if government ever had any money to “give” to begin with. It’s quite entertaining. :)

They were never really hippies. Authentic hippies still exist and live the life you would think they would. The hippie movement was over as soon as it became popular to call ones self a hippie.

Most of my old hippie friends and my parent’s older hippie friends are getting hip replacements now. LOL. They kinda like their “evil capitalist doctors” I’ve noticed. :) Rubbing “essential oils” on the skin around their hips or knees only fools their brains for so many years. :) :) :)
They were never really hippies. Authentic hippies still exist and live the life you would think they would. The hippie movement was over as soon as it became popular to call ones self a hippie.

A friend of mine is a hippie hold out. He still lives in a school bus, bathes once a week at the local Y, drives a Chevy mini van because the '69 VW vans are almost all gone now. I helped him put an air conditioner in his bus about 8 years ago and he lives of his pilot retirement portfolio. He just turned 80 and is due a knee replacement soon. Not much hair left on top. What is left is white and he tries to pull it back into a pony tail. Or puppy dog tail now....
A friend of mine is a hippie hold out. He still lives in a school bus, bathes once a week at the local Y, drives a Chevy mini van because the '69 VW vans are almost all gone now. I helped him put an air conditioner in his bus about 8 years ago and he lives of his pilot retirement portfolio. He just turned 80 and is due a knee replacement soon. Not much hair left on top. What is left is white and he tries to pull it back into a pony tail. Or puppy dog tail now....

I saw a VW microbus on a flatbed tow truck the other day. Wondered if it was it’s last ride, or if some Boulder ex-hippie turned upper-manager was going to dump another $5000 into it to keep his “dream” alive. :)

Don’t want to be mean to him, I like the guy, but mom’s third husband is the type your friend is, and he really appreciates Colorado’s current pot laws. LOL. He worked for the government in Nevada for a long time and has a pension I guess. I don’t ask. He apparently likes his pot in the butter for his cookies, judging by what was on the stove last Christmas. Hahaha.

AFAIK mom’s house is still paid off in retirement from her ex-hippie days working for “Big Oil” for 30 years. Haha. Always thought that was funny too. Hippies working on oil pipeline management for three decades. Consulting in retirement on SAP and making bank. Then ranting about big evil corporations during any discussion of politics. Bwahaha. Normally I’d call someone like that on their BS, but it’s mom. Moms are allowed their BS in my world. She bought all my food for a couple of decades so she gets a break on any hypocrisy between how she made a living and her current political stances. :)

So anyway, the hippie husband... as long as I don’t find he’s run her bankrupt in retirement when she’s old and needs help with stuff, I’m cool. Of course I probably won’t find out until long after he’s dead if statistics about men and women hold true, so... who knows. But I don’t get the impression they’re spending it ALL on pot. LOL.

I always wonder if they have a written budget and if there’s a specific allowance for pot in it, though.

Hahahaha. Like I said, I don’t ask. We all have our vices.
I saw a VW microbus on a flatbed tow truck the other day. Wondered if it was it’s last ride, or if some Boulder ex-hippie turned upper-manager was going to dump another $5000 into it to keep his “dream” alive

I saw more 40+ year old Vws in Homer, Ak a couple years ago then I have ever seen in my life. I mean these people must spend thousands of dollars every year on early 70s style clothing. I think Homer is hippie mecca. But, corporate is alive and well here. Most stores I walked into I felt as if the owners were just about to tell me to put my money on the counter and get the heck outta here now..!! And there was talk in town about raising the tax rate (on everything except property) just for the summer months when tourism is highest. I called them out on that one. I told them if you don't want to pay the extra summer tax then neither should the tourist.

Everyone tries to talk like it is still 1969. Far out, man... outta sight, man... groovy, man..... Daves not here, man. I would say that and people would look at me like I was nuts...
I saw more 40+ year old Vws in Homer, Ak a couple years ago then I have ever seen in my life. I mean these people must spend thousands of dollars every year on early 70s style clothing. I think Homer is hippie mecca. But, corporate is alive and well here. Most stores I walked into I felt as if the owners were just about to tell me to put my money on the counter and get the heck outta here now..!! And there was talk in town about raising the tax rate (on everything except property) just for the summer months when tourism is highest. I called them out on that one. I told them if you don't want to pay the extra summer tax then neither should the tourist.

Everyone tries to talk like it is still 1969. Far out, man... outta sight, man... groovy, man..... Daves not here, man. I would say that and people would look at me like I was nuts...
Daves not here man....