Yet another reason NOT to fly paragliders....

I'd say it's more a reason NOT to be a complete idiot. Wind from the right, cows very close on the left... brain? "Where is brain? You there, brain? No? No big deal, me no need brain..." :frown2:

Man, did those cows go bananas, or what?! :rofl:
PETA called. They want to ban terrorizing poor bovines with aircraft.
Sucks to be that idiot.......cow pie city.....that's a different spin on cow tipping ..........Mooooooo...cow.

I'd say it's more a reason NOT to be a complete idiot. Wind from the right, cows very close on the left... brain? "Where is brain? You there, brain? No? No big deal, me no need brain..." :frown2:
Man, did those cows go bananas, or what?! :rofl:

Brain....what brain...this is their brain on cow patti's and turf
Well the French call landing out in a glider "Aller aux vaches", Literally going to the cows. I guess this gut took it a bit to literally :-)
That was hilarious!!

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He ran the cows! NEVER run the cows. He's lucky the mad farmer didn't come along.

The funny part was watching him get dragged by the cow caught in the 'chute.