Well the day has finally came and went for my instrument check ride. After 2 discontinuance for weather conflicts, of which had expired due to schedule conflicts and the loss of my mom( oldcfi) towards the end of January. Wait let me start at the begining this might be a bit long but ill try and keep it reasonable.
So I have been working on the instrument rating for a little too long as I took a little time off to care for my mom (oldcfi). I finally got back into it and knocked out the rest of prerequisites for the rating. So I had scheduled my check ride with the same DPE I had used for my PPL ,and a date was set for Dec 28 since I will be on vacation. Ok so the faitfull day arrives and of course I'm nervous as everyone usually is even though my instructor said ill do great and that in more prepared than any student he has sent for a check ride. I did great on the oral only missed a couple things that I brain farted on so we go look out at the weather and see a lowish cloud deck( below 3000) and decided to discontinue for another day. The next day was predicted to be a bit better, not perfect but good enough to finish the ride. I get to airport early preflight and set up my stuff and wait for the examiner. He gets there and we start the practical, I go through all the normal briefings and such ,taxi out and depart. While we are up doing the prescribed maneuvers per the ACS and a couple broken cloud decks roll in, one above us and one below us so that ends the flight. I find a gap to get under the clouds and make it back to the airport. So this starts discontinuance number 2. January is now here and no luck with rescheduling with my DPE , which is kindof ok as I'm taking care of my mom who's health is rapidly degrading. As I posted when she passed towards the end of January , that really rocked my world and never felt right about flying, my head just wasn't there. Now were into Febuary and still no luck scheduling my DPE. The last discontinuance expires on the 26th of Febuarary ,and it figures I can't schedule with my DPE now for reasons that are all on him only to find out too close to get it done with someone else so I'm screwed for paying another examiner full price. Fast forward to March. I find another DPE who can work with my schedule and set a date. So I go up my instructor for the 3 hr prep needed for the ride AGAIN!!!!!! Here I am on March 30th taking my instrument checkride. I meet the DPE and we talk for a few mins off the record, and I give him a brief rundown of my trials and tribulations ,and we talk about the clouds he informs me clouds or no clouds we will fly and my immediate response is I LOVE YOU MAN . Now comes the fun the oral portion. I do ok on most of it except for a bit on weather charts. He was impressed with my prep work for the xcountry he had me plan from printing out the weather to the approach plates and assorted other things that I keep paper copies of in addition to my EFB. Thanks to my mom drilling it into my head that redundancy is key. When I go on xcountrys I always have back ups, usually 3 of them. So I pass the oral we take a few min break and I go out and prep the plane. Now were up in the air and working through the ACS I do the approaches, ILS 7L followed by the LOC 7l at KDAB then on to the RNAV 17 full approach ( hold in liew of procedure turn) at KOMN. Well the ILS went ok I got behind the airplane for a bit but gathered it up and kept the needles no more that one dot off ( which is 1/2 dot more than my mom allowed) but considering I was in steady light to moderate turbulence the whole approach ill take it . Now for the LOC approach, everything was going great till I realized I forgot to start the timer . I imeadiatly told the examiner what I had forgot and told him I'm going around. I guess that saved me. So now on to the RNAV. En route to the fix he takes away the AI, damn DPE'S Things always fail when they are in the airplane. Shortly after the AI failed the DG failed maintaining straight and level going to the fix I enter the hold, start the timer for a teardrop entry and turn 30 degs off my course fly out bound then make the turn inbound to intercept the final approach course( all just using the mag compass and turn cordinator and altimeter). I fly the approach ok but get off on the CDI and corrected, fly it down to circling mins to do the RNAV 17 circle to 9. Do the circle approach to a missed then get to take off the foggles and go VFR back to KDED. I make it back to Deland and almost blow the landing . The approach was ok but was fast on short final. I ended up touching down kindof flat at about 65+- kts. So I was light and a bit bouncy till I pulled up the flaps and was able to slow down. Wasn't my best or worst landing but the aircraft is still in good shape to fly again lol. So by now if your still reading this your wondering if I passed or failed. I PASSED..... The moral of my story is no matter how many times you get a gut check or how many distractions or even how many times things go wrong. NEVER GIVE UP..... I'm so glad this thing is over. Now I get to go up in actual and practice what I have been taught, never stop learning . my next step is private multi engine with instrument.