WWII guncam shots

Dave Siciliano

Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
Dallas, Texas
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Display name:
Dave Siciliano
Thanks to Stephan Wilkinson, former AVSIGer, here is some recently
declassified guncamera footage of Allied aircraft in the European theater
during WWII. Most of the aircraft are P-47s. Good air-to-air and strafing
shots, plus some nice formation flying. All in color; about 5 minutes run


Courtesy of one of the guys on the AvSig board.


Dave Siciliano said:
here is some recently declassified guncamera footage of Allied aircraft in the European theater

Wow, at 3:10 into that video, the pilot sure connected his guns with SOMETHING of a conflagrative nature!!
Very cool Dave. Can someone explain why something like that would remain classified for so long?
I'm sure it has something to do with giving any tactical information to them thar terreists!

AdamZ said:
Very cool Dave. Can someone explain why something like that would remain classified for so long?
What's sad is when you look at the aerial scenes of 4 P-47s and realize that there probably aren't that many flying today.
AdamZ said:
Very cool Dave. Can someone explain why something like that would remain classified for so long?

We can only hope 50+ years was long enough before de-classifying the footage!
AdamZ said:
Very cool Dave. Can someone explain why something like that would remain classified for so long?

Hey Adam:

I would suggest you pose the question on the web site it's on so you don't get a reply to a reply type thing. If you don't get a response, let me know and I'll ask someone I know, that knows someone who knows the guy that posted it :D

Sorry! I just don't know the poster first hand.


Excellent video. Thanks Dave! There is an amazing piece of footage that seems to be in several classic war movies and most documenteries about WWII, that is taken from a P-47 attacking a German aerodrome. The Thunderbolt is making a low level shallow dive on a bomber parked on the far end of the field. You can clearly see his tracers spitting out, when from the lower left, another P-47 comes into view attacking the same target. Again, you can clearly see that airplanes guns firing. What's so amazing about it, is that the 2nd aircraft is so low, his prop tips appear to be churning up the ground. Also clearly visible are his empty shell casings being ejected from the wing ports and bouncing off the ground immediatly under his wings! He is sooooo low he would have to climb some just to lower his landing gear.
Hmmm I've seen my share of those. I even found some from the Luftwaffe.

I can watch the ground attack ones, but it's a little too much to watch the air to air ones, cause when you see those tracers hit, and the plane's crumbling to pieces, you know there is someone in there. War's an ungly thing.
William Wyler's "Thunderbolt" is a good color documentary of P-47 operations in Italy in 1944. He's also responsible for "The Memphis Belle" (not the one with Harry Connick). Both were orginally produced for the US Army Air Corps.