Touchdown! Greaser!
I heard an interesting interview yesterday of British rower Roz Savage, who rowed across the Atlantic and is targeting the Pacific. She has written a book called Rowing the Atlantic - Lessons Learned on the Open Ocean. In the interview, she talked about how she was stuck in the corporate job rut and an unraveling marriage; she sat down one night and wrote two versions of her own obituary – the one that she wanted and the one she was heading for. They were very different. She realized that if she carried on as she was, she wasn’t going to end up with the life she wanted. So she turned her back on an eleven-year career as a management consultant to reinvent herself as a woman of adventure, to "become" the version of the obituary she preferred, the "story" she wanted her life to read.
Sounds like an interesting exercise. How would you want yours to read? And do you need to change anything to make that happen?
Sounds like an interesting exercise. How would you want yours to read? And do you need to change anything to make that happen?