Wow! ADS-B for sickels and cars!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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Honda Demonstrates Life Saving Motorcycle Technology

In its efforts to improve safety for everyone, especially vulnerable road users, Honda's leading motorcycle to car communication system is being demonstrated for the first time in Europe at the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium event taking place at the Opel Test Track in Dudenhofen, Germany, from 22-23 October 2008.

The system generates warnings to riders and drivers of other vehicles by continuous exchange of positioning data from satellite GPS sources. This is particularly relevant as road users approach intersections, alerting them to other vehicles that are potentially on a collision course, allowing avoidance manoeuvres.|detail|0|1010,DEFAULT|21|text|1/index.pmode

Interesting concept.

I wonder how it will handle and filter the massive number of hostile targets in typical city traffic?

Any chance it will be able to lock the steering and brakes on cages that start to left turn in front of motorcycles or make appropriate control inputs for vehicles that cross the centerline?
Interesting concept.

I wonder how it will handle and filter the massive number of hostile targets in typical city traffic?

Any chance it will be able to lock the steering and brakes on cages that start to left turn in front of motorcycles or make appropriate control inputs for vehicles that cross the centerline?

"Cages"- I like that. :D

And no, more likely, they'd install a small explosive charge on the motorcycle to ignite and atomize the bike and its rider before they had a chance to scratch the car or SUV.
chance? I hope it's zero. Imagine you are trying to cross the centerline to
avoid a child in the street. I'd rather hit another car than a child.
Wow. Pretty soon Uncle Sam will require authorization to drive the car in certain zones....
Wow. Pretty soon Uncle Sam will require authorization to drive the car in certain zones....

Exactly what I was thinking. All tied to your Real ID, of course.

Or another aspect: Your vehicle will be broadcasting who it is, where, and how fast it's going. Cops will just have to sit back at the office and drink coffee while they address tickets.

Not good for holdup men at all. :rolleyes2:

We can imagine it woudl go something like the seat belt laws: "We encourage all motorists to install this essential safety feature. Don't worry. The law specifies that the information cannot be used for prosecution." until a few years later "The state legislature passed the new law allowing police to use the data as evidence..."

I'm still waiting for the shoe to drop and they start using what we call I-Pass - tollway data to be used to write you up for getting between read points too fast. They could always do that even with the ticket on and ticket off system.

TSA is already turning airports into a big dragnet. That's part of the point of all the stuff they're putting in place. They want to make the next Big Catch, and catching criminals is part of the "success" they're touting for the behavior detection officers.

I firmly believe that airports are just the first stop. What homeland security or law enforcement official will NOT salivate over the potential for the systems being used at airports.

Look at the new TSA rules - it will be MANDATORY for each passenger to provide name, DOB, and gender in order to get a boarding pass - that information MUST be submitted to the government, which will hold it for 7 days (or longer in unspecified cases). Think what folks like Joseph McCarthy (or these days, Michele Bachmann) could do with the data. Think what folks like the Maryland State Police will do (they placed a number of folks on the "watch lists" because those folks went to political or other rallies opposed to certain government policies). See how easy it will be for the TSA to disseminate the information to other agencies.

The American Public is the frog in the pot of warm water with the heat being turned up.
Might breed complacency...

But if it means when I finally get back on my bike that I'm going to be run off the road by a cager, I'll be ok. In the short time I rode my bike, I was nearly smeared about 10 times by a car that just wasn't looking.
I'm waiting for the chips in cars to be used as evidence. And what about GPS? Cop stops you for speeding, queries your GPS and or your car, BUSTED!
A friend has a 496 in his plane. As part of his "normal" procedure during shutdown, he wipes the flight from the memory. (Could our GPSs be used against us if we violate a TFR?)
Big Brother is already out there.
I'm waiting for the chips in cars to be used as evidence. And what about GPS? Cop stops you for speeding, queries your GPS and or your car, BUSTED!
A friend has a 496 in his plane. As part of his "normal" procedure during shutdown, he wipes the flight from the memory. (Could our GPSs be used against us if we violate a TFR?)
Big Brother is already out there.

AFAIK, my car GPS doesn't keep speed breadcrumbs (Or maybe any. I've ever found it.), although it does have the peak highest speed.

We discussed once that a pilot used the handheld GPS breadcrumbs to successfully prove to the FSDO that he skirted the airspace he was accused of entering. Radar vs. GPS position and all that.
Might breed complacency...

Complacent complacency? Now there's a concept we should all aspire too on the road...not that most people aren't already at that level. :loco:

And what about GPS? Cop stops you for speeding, queries your GPS and or your car, BUSTED!

Pull up max speed sometime on a GPS. Somehow I managed 274mph on the tight part of the twisties while riding my motorcycle this summer. I don't think so...not even vaguely close.
Complacent complacency? Now there's a concept we should all aspire too on the road...not that most people aren't already at that level. :loco:

Pull up max speed sometime on a GPS. Somehow I managed 274mph on the tight part of the twisties while riding my motorcycle this summer. I don't think so...not even vaguely close.

My 295 said I did 700 knots. I did. On a 757.
I'm waiting for the chips in cars to be used as evidence. And what about GPS? Cop stops you for speeding, queries your GPS and or your car, BUSTED!
A friend has a 496 in his plane. As part of his "normal" procedure during shutdown, he wipes the flight from the memory. (Could our GPSs be used against us if we violate a TFR?)
Big Brother is already out there.

Well--if they did try to bust you for a TFR--your GPS might be the only proof you have that you did not go in it. If the GPS says you entered the TFR--well my friend--you done f'ed up.

I once had a controller accuse me of climbing *deeply* into class B airspace after takeoff under the shelf. I had already left that controllers frequency when they made the acquisition and another PoA pilot told me about it later.

I was *very* happy to have had my GPS on board which captured both my track and altitude information in case they ever contacted me about it.
Very interesting precept. What do we need to do to save these tracks for evidence? On the other hand, what do we need to do to make sure they aren't used as evidence against us?
Very interesting precept. What do we need to do to save these tracks for evidence? On the other hand, what do we need to do to make sure they aren't used as evidence against us?

Some GPSs - I think, even my Garmin 295 - let you transfer the breadcrumbs to the PC through the same software used for waypoint and map updates.
chance? I hope it's zero. Imagine you are trying to cross the centerline to
avoid a child in the street. I'd rather hit another car than a child.

very true, and also what happens if the center line happens to be 10 feet off in the GPS? You'll be driving on the curb. Even worse.