Yep. Getting ready to go fly one later today. Like Dana said, I seriously doubt I’ll own anything other than an EAB from here on out...unless I win the lottery.
Nothing wrong with certified. My first aircraft was an AA5 but the intent all along was to eventually go EAB. It wasn’t that much of a leap going from the AA5 to the Glasair 1 because the AA5 is a pretty fun aircraft but it still couldn’t compare. I went from climbing out at 70 kts and 700 FPM to 110 kts and 1500 FPM. Went from 115 kts cruise on 38 gals to 168 kts cruise on 45 gals. It’s not just about the numbers either. Light control forces, aerobatic, great visibility and in my opinion, look better than most certified.
I guess the primary concern is the aircraft coming apart in flight. Well, if it’s a quick build kit, the important structures such as the wing spars are already made at the factory. The builder would have to be a special kind of stupid to mess up a quick build. If it’s flown for several hundred hours, you can bet it’s been put together right. My Glasair is rated for 6 Gs and my Velocity 9 Gs. The Glasair being approved for acro also. I trust the strength of their structures more than a 50 year old certified metal aircraft.
Now, some plans built EABs, I’d have some concern. The majority of those are good designs though so a quick review of the builder’s logs and a thorough preflight should ease one’s fears.