I had all four out via "surgery" at the same time in my 20s.
I woke up from the anesthesia with the doc hammering on my right rear one with a hammer and chisel trying to split it in pieces to extract it.
Thankfully the pain killers were still intact and all I remember is mumbled comments about, "He's waking up, we need to put him back under Nurse."
I don't recommend the experience of having someone whaling on your face with a hammer when you wake up. It kinda stays with you.
Amazing how hard he had to hit to break it too.
Then a few days later I got the joy of dry sockets. Well one out of four anyway. That pain feels like you'll never put anything on that side of your mouth ever again.
Then a week after that I got the joy of an ER visit because the antibiotics killed off everything useful as flora and fauna in my intestines.
Then a while with a lovely horse-pill version of a wicked antibiotic called Flagyll to kill off whatever had invaded my guts.
And a lot of time spent no further than ten steps from a bathroom.
Four weeks later, life was back to normal.
My current dentist wasn't too surprised I stated that I would be a "nervous patient" when I started seeing him.
After being there for years and saying I won't go anywhere else (he's awesome), I get a letter from his office that he's dropping all patients with Aetna because they're just totally ****ing him off and he doesn't need the headaches.
He has a waiting list for patients. And Aetna sucks.
Maybe my new plan will let me go see him again. Crossing fingers.
I share this that you might get a good laugh when yours goes MUCH better than this, as the vast majority do.