The problem isn't whether YOU are high risk. It's how quickly you will spread it to high risk individuals. Even if all of the high risk individuals are locked down, all of the low risk individuals will be quickly infected, the virus will be EVERYWHERE, and then how are the high risk individuals supposed to, I dunno, eat?
And even "low risk" isn't zero risk. I keep seeing that 40% of the people who are *hospitalized* for this are under 50... That means even the "low risk" population isn't as low risk as they may think.
It's not ideal, but... In thinking about alternative solutions that would allow rural areas to go about business as usual, I got to thinking about the lack of hospitals available in rural areas. Say you shut down Des Moines but let the rest of Iowa go about their business. It won't spread as quickly as it would in a city, but it'll still spread fairly quickly, and then all of those people have to to a bigger city where there's a hospital, and we likely still get overwhelmed.