WingxPro7 to Samsung Galaxy Note 4 SD card?


Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 25, 2005
Eastern Iowa
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Jim Meade
I can't find how to put the app on the SD card or if that is not possible put the data files on the SD card. I'd be obliged if anyone can cite a reference.
Maybe check this video?

I have a Note 5 (no SD card) so I don't have any first hand experience with this but hopefully you can get it figured out. I use my Note as an EFB with flight plan go and it works great with the big screen.
I contacted the company a couple of months ago and was told that SD card support was on their Android future enhancements list, but with no ETA.
Maybe check this video?

I have a Note 5 (no SD card) so I don't have any first hand experience with this but hopefully you can get it figured out. I use my Note as an EFB with flight plan go and it works great with the big screen.
We don't have to wait too much longer. The new Note has us covered. Up to 500 GB storage.
Just-released version has SD card support. Enable at the top of the "Download Options" tab. (That was a short wait!)