It is ignorance, yes, but it has an added component of resistance because "thinking is hard", so there's no opportunity to reason with them and explain what steps you personally undertook responsibility for (say what?!) to make a particular flight safe to conduct.
These are the same people who feel safer having a DMV dropout roggle their crotchal area looking for "omg jihad" in >3.4oz quantities.
Same people who the warnings on your shampoo bottle, snickers bar wrapper, and your friend's "personal lubricant" were written for.
Critical Thinking is a parlor trick these days, not a life skill. It induces eye-rolls in the sheeple. Taking these types flying will only annoy them, waste your precious avgas money, and allow to tell their facebook friends that they "cheated death #yolo #scared" by remaining seated in a plush vinyl seat. They will have taken no notice of your actual expert manipulation of controls, interpretation of instruments, or amassing of arcane trivia and knowledge to undertake the flight successfully.
Pass me my cane. There are young'ns approaching my lawn.
- Mike