Why did my Cam Follower turn blue?

Haha, trying to figure out why. Is it me, or her? If it's me, I can change to make it happy again. No seriously, do you think it's fine or do I need to change it?
"No" as in "it's not fine" or "no" as in "I don't need to change it"? My bad for making it a double question the way I formulated it.
You've got the engine sitting on a blue mat. The blue on the cam follower looks suspiciously like the blue of the mat. I'd say it's ambient light reflecting off the mat on to the follower. Try using a different color mat.
You've got the engine sitting on a blue mat. The blue on the cam follower looks suspiciously like the blue of the mat. I'd say it's ambient light reflecting off the mat on to the follower. Try using a different color mat.
Yep. Looks like reflection off a shiny surface to me.
When steel is heat treated (particularly when tempered after hardening) the oxide layer that forms as a function of the temperature of the part and will determine the color - 400ish F gives you straw, 500ish brown, 580ish blue, 800ish dark gray/black.