Why can't we say what is on our minds?

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
Boobies seem okay (not that I don't like them) but ******n, fairly innocuous shyte seems to enter the forbidden political discussion arena. Mods, please, we can talk about day to day things like hamstring stretches, incontinence, taxation, bladder infection, brain cancer, taxation, reproductive processes, child bearing, public schools, taxation, head lice, urinary infections, but, why do we have to kill discussions based on bot generated keywords?
Boobies seem okay (not that I don't like them) but ******n, fairly innocuous shyte seems to enter the forbidden political discussion arena. Mods, please, we can talk about day to day things like hamstring stretches, incontinence, taxation, bladder infection, brain cancer, taxation, reproductive processes, child bearing, public schools, taxation, head lice, urinary infections, but, why do we have to kill discussions based on bot generated keywords?

I find your post rather taxing.
Because everybody likes boobies. Political conversations always result in arguments.
Boobies seem okay (not that I don't like them) but ******n, fairly innocuous shyte seems to enter the forbidden political discussion arena. Mods, please, we can talk about day to day things like hamstring stretches, incontinence, taxation, bladder infection, brain cancer, taxation, reproductive processes, child bearing, public schools, taxation, head lice, urinary infections, but, why do we have to kill discussions based on bot generated keywords?
You may think the MC are bots, but nothing is killed because of a keyword. If you're talking about the taxes thread, that was political from the start and we have learned from prior experience that these always go downhill. It was already headed that way.

uh, sheeeit, aint nothin really on my mind at the moment.

carry on, my bad.
It's also worth noting that the various posts of scantily clad women (and otherwise inappropriate pictures) are not considered acceptable and do typically result in action whether it be deletion, warnings, or both.
^^^inappropriate to who?

D'OH, I'm banned.
And I apologize for the sausage photo.
But I preemptively tagged a mod and offered to delete it which is a step in the POA preferred direction.

Baby steps...
I must be asleep at the wheel. Feels like I haven't called a thread political in months.

Maybe I've broken tolerance and don't recognize them anymore.
The present political situation worldwide will do that to you...

i used to call the Middle East and Central Asia the Logic Free Zone when I lived there, but it seems to have become infectious.

No better salvation from all that than draggin' the plane out of the hangar and get some air under the wings. :cool:
You may think the MC are bots, but nothing is killed because of a keyword. If you're talking about the taxes thread, that was political from the start and we have learned from prior experience that these always go downhill. It was already headed that way.

Was it? Really? I have the utmost respect for you as a pilot, moderator and BBQ eater, but is it really necessary to jump to these generalizations?
I must be asleep at the wheel. Feels like I haven't called a thread political in months.

Maybe I've broken tolerance and don't recognize them anymore.
Maybe it's because we try to put the fires out now while they are still sparks. We attempt not to wait for them to become conflagrations since we aren't always around monitoring. We've noticed that if one person seems to have gotten away with something, others pile on. This happens both in the political threads, and the locker room ones, which @Ted DuPuis mentioned.
Most political discussions on here turn into an insult fest... because if you like my party, you're a true red blooded American patriot, a genius, and good looking ta' boot.

If you don't like my party, you're a foreign insurgent traitorous scum bag, mentally challenged, and hideous.

We've had 1 out of dozens of threads which managed to go something like 20 pages of people having a reasonable discussion that was politically related. The rest have devolved into nonsense.

Now as for the other topics, they generally don't turn us all against one another, so there's some more freedom granted there... or at least that's what it seems like to me.
^^^inappropriate to who?

D'OH, I'm banned.

Everyone has a different opinion of what's appropriate. Obviously you are one of the people who disagrees with where the MC sets the bar, and you're welcome to disagree. Since the MC are the ones who are the enforcers, the answer to your question would be inappropriate to the MC.
I think I have a possible solution to all this nonsense.

maybe me, 6er and Sac should be mods for a day. you know, a trial run. we'll turn things around. er, well, they've already been turned around, so um, we'll mod er ate, or something.
Everyone has a different opinion of what's appropriate. Obviously you are one of the people who disagrees with where the MC sets the bar, and you're welcome to disagree. Since the MC are the ones who are the enforcers, the answer to your question would be inappropriate to the MC.

so yes, other than political posts, I 100% disagree with all y'all. but in my defense, I'm not the one posting scantily clad babes. I 'mostly' respect your rules, no matter how much they pi s s me off. I said 'mostly'.
so yes, other than political posts, I 100% disagree with all y'all. but in my defense, I'm not the one posting scantily clad babes. I 'mostly' respect your rules, no matter how much they pi s s me off. I said 'mostly'.

And you're welcome to disagree (note that neither you nor anyone else has been banned for disagreeing with how the MC runs things - and I have made my share of public criticisms), but quite frankly where you and some of the others want the bar set is exactly what's driven away some of the best contributors to the forum.
Look, in general, the MC does a great job. I participate in a few forums where, if you tick them off, you get dispatched with no warning. The POA is not that. I do wish we could be a little more tolerant.
I think I have a possible solution to all this nonsense.

maybe me, 6er and Sac should be mods for a day. you know, a trial run. we'll turn things around. er, well, they've already been turned around, so um, we'll mod er ate, or something.
Even I know that's not a good idea.

Me, Cajun, Peter, David White mod a Facebook group only rule is no politics. It would not go over here very well. It's a fun group but people leave all the time because it's not quite what they expected. They get offended or get their feelings hurt. And we encourage them to leave. You would fit right in dude

Well I guess there's two rules. We don't allow racism either. We have kick some people out for going a little too far in that direction.
Look, in general, the MC does a great job. I participate in a few forums where, if you tick them off, you get dispatched with no warning. The POA is not that. I do wish we could be a little more tolerant.

It's a 2-way street there.

It's also worth noting that threads are often times closed quickly if it's thought they might head downhill. Note that the comment with those is "Closed pending MC review." That means there's discussions going on behind the scenes about the best course of action.

There have been a few times where we've had threads that haven't been closed as quickly for whatever reason (usually mods aren't at a computer because we have lives). Those usually get into pages of fights that take a lot of sorting through and are a problem for everyone.
I move that the forum be restricted to serious aviation related issues only.
......but quite frankly where you and some of the others want the bar set is exactly what's driven away some of the best contributors to the forum.

>I< am the best contributor, so I'm not even sure what you're talking about. >>>>JOKE, f'n CHILL<<<<

anyways, I'm not here to get into a Nate-like argument over anything (no offense, DP). BUT, I would like to make a suggestion that I know you won't even consider, but I'll say it anyways.

so, I was one who could care less about the SZ. but what would be groovy is if you had a similar, members-only subforum, STILL no politics, but anything else goes. call it 'the locker room' if you will, and all of our garbage can happen in that subforum only, not in any of the main forums. ok there, I said it, now back to not touching it.
Even I know that's not a good idea.

Me, Cajun, Peter, David White mod a Facebook group only rule is no politics. It would not go over here very well. It's a fun group but people leave all the time because it's not quite what they expected. They get offended or get their feelings hurt. And we encourage them to leave. You would fit right in dude

Well I guess there's two rules. We don't allow racism either. We have kick some people out for going a little too far in that direction.

And that's exactly what the MC has suggested that people do if they don't like it here. Form your own group where you can set the atmosphere where you want it. That's been the point all along.

I move that the forum be restricted to serious aviation related issues only.

That is the red board. As we have said many times, we try to be a blend where we can talk about things besides serious aviation discussions.
And that's exactly what the MC has suggested that people do if they don't like it here. Form your own group where you can set the atmosphere where you want it. That's been the point all along.

That is the red board. As we have said many times, we try to be a blend where we can talk about things besides serious aviation discussions.

I agree
Maybe it's because we try to put the fires out now while they are still sparks. We attempt not to wait for them to become conflagrations since we aren't always around monitoring. We've noticed that if one person seems to have gotten away with something, others pile on. This happens both in the political threads, and the locker room ones, which @Ted DuPuis mentioned.
If many of the users enjoy engaging in political discussion, why not reopen the Spin Zone and just make it available to the users who choose to be a part of it. The folks who cannot handle the banter can stay out of the sub-forum. Maybe this has been covered in the past, I dunno, but it got me thinking. So what gives?
If many of the users enjoy engaging in political discussion, why not reopen the Spin Zone and just make it available to the users who choose to be a part of it. The folks who cannot handle the banter can stay out of the sub-forum. Maybe this has been covered in the past, I dunno, but it got me thinking. So what gives?
It has. The answer is no, unless, sometime in the future, there is a whole different set of MC members.
Most political discussions on here turn into an insult fest... because if you like my party, you're a true red blooded American patriot, a genius, and good looking ta' boot.

If you don't like my party, you're a foreign insurgent traitorous scum bag, mentally challenged, and hideous.

We've had 1 out of dozens of threads which managed to go something like 20 pages of people having a reasonable discussion that was politically related. The rest have devolved into nonsense.

Now as for the other topics, they generally don't turn us all against one another, so there's some more freedom granted there... or at least that's what it seems like to me.

political discussions everywhere turns into nonsense