Whoops... 747 Dreamlifter lands at wrong airport

Well, there's a crew who had a bad day. Looking at the transcripts, they were in shock and/or weren't fully on their game.

Even after landing and they realized they weren't at McConnel (IAB ), they thought they were at Beech (BEC), not Jabara (AAO).


Jabara’s runway length is 6,101 feet – almost half the length of McConnell’s runway. There were skid marks at the end of the runway where the Dreamlifter stopped at Jabara, which is near 37th Street North and Webb Road.

By the way, here's a view of the two airports, at the same scale. That would have been a surprise as the departure fence rolled up quickly.

I'm curious how they even got it turned around on the narrower runway.
They got it out of there....pretty much a non-event when all was said and done.
Thanks Jonesy. That was better than I expected. Glad you posted that link as Fox News I had on the TV was supposed to cover it and did not.