Who you gonna call?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
Ghost Busters?

Something strange going on in your neighborhood? You may want to give Brooklyn Ghost Investigations a call. For $20 an hour, the group of self-proclaimed paranormal investigators offers to go to your house to help chase away whatever goes bump in the night.
For $30 an hour, I promise to make all the scawy, scawy monsters magically go away. Seances $100.

~ Christopher
$20 an hour? For how many "investigators?" That's not worth the gas to get there, much less insurance or overhead.
$20 an hour? For how many "investigators?" That's not worth the gas to get there, much less insurance or overhead.

Pick up an old am-bu-lance and it's cheap....

The only question is whether you meet Sigorney Weaver or not...
The only question is whether you meet Sigorney Weaver or not...
Or perhaps you could meet Gwen DiMarco!!!

I'd be happy if she just talked nice to me. At 59, Sigourney is definitely still a nice looking woman.