Where does ForeFlight source its fuel prices?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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I update the FBO’s fuel prices on about every source that I know of - GlobalAir, AirNav, FltPlan.com etc., but ForeFlight doesn’t seem to reflect the changes. Do they update only by user submittal?
It's done via user submissions. I think a single user submission is held as pending for a while, unless another user submits the same price around the same time frame then it gets "auto approved" and updated. I've submitted new prices for a few local airports and noticed the price would reflect quickly on some, but would take a day or two at others.
It's done via user submissions. I think a single user submission is held as pending for a while, unless another user submits the same price around the same time frame then it gets "auto approved" and updated. I've submitted new prices for a few local airports and noticed the price would reflect quickly on some, but would take a day or two at others.
Thanks for the info, Lynn!
In other words, there is is no verification of submissions by ForeFlight. The prices you see may or may not be correct. I always verify with other sources. If you really want to know, there is no substitute for calling the FBO, and even then you can't be sure what you were told is accurate.
I believe user submission but they only update when you update your foreflight downloads. So you won’t see your own input until you’ve went to downloads, updates everything then it usually appears. Same for comments on FBOs and airports that other users leave. Do share your comments, I read them and make travel plans based upon those comments usually.
I use Garmin Pilot and it sources fuel pricing from AirNav, which reflects the change about 24hrs later.
Could also be combo of airnav, foreflight usually shows when the price was last updated too.
I've submitted a change once, last July. It was a decent pump - 0.30 to 0.50 IIRC. It was updated and then reverted back. I was irritated at that so I don't do that anymore.
Could also be combo of airnav, foreflight usually shows when the price was last updated too.

Not that I can tell.

I landed in KCAE on Sunday. Foreflight said fuel was over $8 per gallon. It was a bit over $7 with tax.
I dont trust FF fuel prices, they seem to be wrong more often than right, dont know why or the mechanics of it. Airnav.com seems ti be very accurate.
I use rely on air nav. Also I was a frequent poster for years with air nav. FF doesn’t seem to update in a timely manner.