If I wanted to depart from Katama (1B2) and then make a VFR transition through the MVY class D westbound along the shoreline at or below 1000' before turning NW toward Cuttyhunk and the mainland, where and when should I contact the MVY tower? The D starts only 1/2 mile from the airport so I'd likely be inside it before getting a response, Heading east first to contact them only to turn around and dive back down through the Katama traffic pattern seems inadvisable, and I don't want to head out to sea at low altitude either... nor do I want to switch from Katama CTAF to MVY tower while still in the pattern.
Can I contact them before taking off from Katama? Would they even hear me from the ground 5 miles away?
Can I contact them before taking off from Katama? Would they even hear me from the ground 5 miles away?