What medium altitudes have you flown in a moderate HP plane over an average FBO


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Whats the most average height you have flown in a plane with adequate horsepower over an FBO that was nice but not too bad, and at the same time nothing to write home about?

It's the question on everyone's mind.
One time I flew at an average height of 1'AFBORL (above fbo roof level).

Since I know you are looking for a Cirrus answer, I fly in planes with adequate horses over average fbo's at an average height of about 4000' AGL.
Probably 7,000 or 8,000

Edit: Is the aircraft in question pressurized or not ?
I'd say a 5. Yeah, a 5.

Edit- is 1,200 horsepower considered "moderate?"
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What's an FBO? Is that the FBI's aviation unit?

BTW- The question is a little vague... I would rephrase to "Whats the most average height you have flown in a plane with average horsepower "
Yes. Um, I mean no.

Can you repeat the question please?
What is the average middle height flown at LOP or ROP?
I find that 8-9000' at 65% power LOP is the ideal altitude to cruise at while eating pie. Gives just the right tangy taste to the fruit and best ambient temperature.
I flew over Rich's house a few times ...but it's not really worth mentioning. :D
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How do we know thw FBO was average if we didnt stop?
Flew a B-25 with 3500 hp over Omaha at 7500 squawking 1200. Couldn't see the FBO well enough to tell if it was nice.

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what we need to take into account is the average FBO height.