What have I done


Feb 13, 2012
Gilbert AZ. VFR All Year Baby
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Drone airspace abuser
Well I'm a IT director with a staff of 16. My boss is the ceo.im no longer hands on technical. I'm pure management policy, process pusher. My wet dreams is about Itil.

Well I guess that is career progression
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Welcome to management. I was really good at what I did growing up. I turned that being really good into a company....and a fairly successful company. Then I spent the following years managing others and trying to get them to do the thing I was really good at because I was too busy managing them and could no longer do the thing that got me to where I was. Then I forgot what it was I loved to do and got burnt out.

So I fired them all and went back to doing what I was good at and found others that could do the management. Circle of life!
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I start off almost every interview by telling them I don't want to be management. Any company where management is the sole promotion path for technical folks doesn't tend to be the kind of place I want to work.
Yup an unfortunate by product of "moving up" in the world. I try to keep my fingers in it enough to keep my people's respect.
I'd take one person's worth less hands on and a little more management right about now. I'm up to my eyeballs in hands on.
Was tech eng for many years. Finished my MBA and took over a dept of 13 all high performing tech guys. I hated it. I was not good at it, and the company wanted me to move to director level within 4 years. I told them I hated it and I was going back to eng. I was so happy. Now I'm mixed. I do the eng, but I also have 6 direct reports. I've told them if I ever have to call one of them to take care of something, it will be a short, short conversation. They fill out their paperwork, I sign where supposed to, and no one messes with us. It's not clean, it's not easy, but it works and upper mgmt leaves us alone. However, we're getting a new director in 2 months, and he's not going to like our arrangement at all.