What Happen?

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I thought this was a good board. I thought it has some great folks. I do still think there are some great folks. There are a few on whose knowledge and experience I value greatly. Does that mean I agree with them? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

But, for the bulk of those here it seems if your belief in something goes against the grain in what they believe you're just plain wrong and don't deserve anything but criticism. I guess it's not possible for someone to see something others cannot see.

I think God a certain Italian went against the grain along with a couple Americans some four-hundred years later.
I guess it's not possible for someone to see something others cannot see.

Everyone has a bad day once in a while Ken, it is when it is long term that it becomes a problem.

Looking at your quote from a different point of view. I guess it's not possible for someone to see something others CAN see. Just take a break.

Have a Merry Christmas:cheers:

And to think..I had nothing to do with this one. Kenny--sometimes it's better to step back and think from a neutral perspective.

You thought the bulk of this board consisted of great people. Now you suddenly think the opposite. It is not very likely that the entire board became bad people over night. It is more likely that your actions caused the upset. It is more likely for one person to become "bad" versus an entire group.

I am a person that enjoys being right. I want to know everything about everything. The truth of the matter is that I am wrong sometimes. It's not fun to be wrong. You don't want to be known as the person that was wrong. In the end though the most "right" thing is to admit you're wrong. If you can't ever admit to being wrong--you will always be wrong and you will lose the respect of others. If you admit it--you become right and everyone moves on.
Somebody set up us the bomb.

Yes, I know, it never gets old.
And to think..I had nothing to do with this one. Kenny--sometimes it's better to step back and think from a neutral perspective.
I'm doing that. In a manner, I'm saying, "To hell with everyone else while I take care of myself." That isn't my heartfelt sentiment but the result is the same. This cold is kicking my ass and I'm missing out on valuable time I could be spending with a very experienced CFII to knock out my goals.

You thought the bulk of this board consisted of great people. Now you suddenly think the opposite. It is not very likely that the entire board became bad people over night. It is more likely that your actions caused the upset. It is more likely for one person to become "bad" versus an entire group.
I just looked at that. I didn't word the next sentence quite right. The number of great folks did not go down because of what I believe or feel. I'm sorry that's the impression I gave.

I am a person that enjoys being right. I want to know everything about everything. The truth of the matter is that I am wrong sometimes. It's not fun to be wrong. You don't want to be known as the person that was wrong. In the end though the most "right" thing is to admit you're wrong. If you can't ever admit to being wrong--you will always be wrong and you will lose the respect of others. If you admit it--you become right and everyone moves on.
Everyone likes to be right in their actions and thoughts. It's just part of the ego. I'm no different. In this particular issue, I really don't care if I'm right or wrong. I don't know that I'm right but I've yet to be convinced I'm wrong. Bottom line? It really doesn't matter.

I became upset when one person made a very personal attack to the point of calling me a "moron" which was later followed with someone not happy with my not responding fast enough. There were often gaps during my effort to reply. A reply window would sit open for ten or twenty minutes while I ran off to the crapper. Or, I'd start coughing so badly for several minutes and end up in uncontrollable shakes.

The last shot came with the remark on lesson plans and George Bush. If the person ever read my posts in the Spin Zone, he would know I'm not even close to thrilled with George Bush. However, I did write fairly decent lesson plans on various types of stalls. Since airspeed control during maneuvering flight is so often a "gotcha", it's a concentrated area along with stalls.
Airborne and Zicam. A little late now but it would not hurt!
Flu Shot helps me avoid the really bad stuff - your mileage may vary.
I was all prepared to print a coupon and head out for it. But, in order to print their coupons you have to install "couponprinter.exe." That's not happening.

I have no idea what you meant by "Airborne."
I was all prepared to print a coupon and head out for it. But, in order to print their coupons you have to install "couponprinter.exe." That's not happening.

I have no idea what you meant by "Airborne."
Don't blame you on the couponprinter.exe. As for Airborne: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/airborne-cold/AN01586

Hope you're feeling better soon and that you can take all of this in perspective then. Besides, it'll be "resolved" 1/30 anyways! :)
i always like a little plop plop fizz fizz to cure my colds.
Kenny, I feel for ya, man. Just getting over a head cold myself and this cough syrup is making me loopy. Sounds like you have it much worse, though.

Good news is I was able to finish reading a book about persuasion. Very interesting stuff, especially as applies to the circus known as the Spin Zone.

In one study, two groups were given a bunch of information about what makes firefighters successful. One group was told risk-takers were succesful firemen, while the other group was told risk-takers were unsuccessful firemen. Now for the fun part: the experimenter told the groups that the data was completely bogus and made up and there was no evidence one way or the other.

What happened? Even though the info was discredited, the two groups continued to believe what had been presented to them. In a later follow-up study, the groups still believed each side as initially presented, and when asked why they believed that, their beliefs actually strengthened when they gave their causal (why) explanation.

None of the participants explained the reason for their beliefs as coming from the experiment in which they took part. In each case, it was attributed to other reasons. Many did not even remember they received the information in the original experiment.

Now, for tonight's last kicker. In another experiment, people were split into two groups based on their beliefs about whether capital punishment deterred murder or not, and were given evidence that contradicted their belief. The beliefs were substantially changed, but not in the direction of the evidence, but rather more strongly in the direction of the original belief!

We meat-tubes (as Bender would say) are a weird bunch.

So take a break, rest up, and get yourself well!


P.S. The attached, which I've cleaned up, pretty much sums up the Internet. I know you know it.


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Ken, what kind of cold medicine are you taking? If you're having persistent GI problems, you could be having an electrolyte imbalance and might be getting dehydrated. Is it time to go to the doctor?
But, for the bulk of those here it seems if your belief in something goes against the grain in what they believe you're just plain wrong and don't deserve anything but criticism. I guess it's not possible for someone to see something others cannot see.
Ken, the answer is simple. Stay out of Spin Zone.
Ken, the answer is simple. Stay out of Spin Zone.

Exactly! And if Jesse was to call you dumb ass! (Just trying to jab Jesse) Who cares, it's a public forum. It's the internet....try and not make it too personal.
Ken? Out of the Spin Zone? That's like taking away his oxygen! :D:D

Come on back, Ken. If you don't, Scott is actually going to have to do some work on his computer instead of responding to you in Spin Zone. Then how will he get to 20,000?
Life has been so much easier (hah!) since I gave up Spin Zone... :)